U.S. Election
November 2004
Dear Ones,
Many of you have asked me in recent days "What is
the meaning of the U.S. election? Was this supposed to
happen? Is it true? Is there a reason for this?"
have struggled within myself to produce a meaningful
answer that goes beyond conventional wisdom,
" This
was meant to be. There must be a reason for this."
The reason is us. But what is it about us/U.S.?
I am reminded of several metaphysical moments in history
that illumine the period we are about to go through.
One was during the Revolutionary War in America when an
angel appeared to General George Washington.
The angel explained
the future struggle and triumphs of America.
The other was in Germany in 1922 as the Nazi Party was
rising to power.
I summarize both, and provide documentation at the bottom
of this letter.
During the Revolutionary War, Native American Indians,
British colonists, and British soldiers, witnessed bullets
fired at George Washington at close range. At the last
moment, the bullets abruptly veered away. An angel appeared
to Washington to confirm that he was chosen to lead the
birth of the New Republic, the United States of America.
Without the intervention of God, the angel explained, the
new nation
would not be
The American colonists, the angel said, were many times
outmanned, outgunned, and outmaneuvered. The American colonists
didn't even have shoes, much less guns!
But, the angel cautioned, the New Republic would be challenged
three times before the nation
would become a beacon of
light and freedom for the rest of the world.
The first time would be the Revolutionary War. The second
would be the Civil War.
The third test, the angel said, would come when the nation
would be attacked on her own soil in the early 2000s. America
would not prevail until Americans remembered that God created
the nation, and that God - not a person, money, or military
action - would preserve it. When that lesson was realized
- that God is determining the destiny of this nation -
then, and only then, would the nation's final struggle
be concluded.
I am also reminded of a group of spiritual seekers in
Germany in the 1920s. Members of the group saw the rise
of the Nazi party through contact with the astral world.
This group of spiritual seekers, led by Rudolf Steiner,
meditated and sent light to the leaders of the Nazi party.
One by one, the members of the group disappeared and were
killed. In a morning meditation in 1922, Rudolf Steiner
foresaw his own death, to occur later that day, in the
Munich train station, by members of the Nazi party. He
left for the train station nonetheless. Meanwhile, his
friends learned of the murder plot, and rushed to the train
station to prevent him from boarding the train on which
he was to be killed. They whisked him off to Switzerland,
thus preventing his untimely death. Steiner continued his
metaphysical work in Dornach, Switzerland, where the Goertheneum
was built. Needless to say, the light work of Steiner and
his associates was not immediately felt, nor was it successful
in stopping the rise of the Nazi party, World War II, or
the Holocaust. But there is more to the story.
In 1938, Adolf Hitler raided the Treasure House of the
Hofburg (Hapsburg Palace) in Vienna, Austria, and took
the Spear of Longinus. This is the spear used by the Roman
soldier, Gaius Cassius Longinus, to pierce the side of
Jesus Christ after the Crucifixion. Hitler, who long studied
black magic, knew of the occult power of the spear, and
believed it would best serve him. Using the Christ energy
in the spear to malefic ends, he quickly rose to power.
An American soldier discovered the hidden spear in Nuremburg,
Germany, in 1945, and took possession of it. (It has since
been returned to the Hofburg in Vienna, Austria.) Within
hours of the discovery of the spear, light began to return
to the planet, and Hitler committed suicide in Berlin.
Where did this light come from? As if held in abeyance,
light invoked by prayer and meditation done by many spiritual
seekers across the planet slowly built over time, and when
it was strong enough, suddenly poured back in. The light
of Spirit, symbolically held in the spear, was symbolically
taken out of the hands of someone who was using the energy
of Spirit in a negative way, and fell into the hands of
a power that was using the energy of Spirit in a positive
way - at the time.
We have entered a similar period of darkness, where God,
freedom, and justice are being used to justify killing
and destruction in the Middle East. A high degree of confusion
and inability to see the light has afflicted many people.
Whether you are a Republican or a Democrat, pro-war or
anti-war, you can perceive darkness on the planet. As this
is being written, in fact, investigations have been called
by members of Congress to address voting and ethical inequities.
people say there is nothing we can do. But there is something
we can do. Just as spiritual
seekers built
up light in a "spiritual bank account" during
World War II, we can do the same. We can meditate. We can
pray. We can be kind to each other. We can help each other.
We can be loving to each other. Each of these small acts
brings more light to the planet. No matter what your party
affiliation, think about others. Consider their needs as
your own. Be honest. Give what you can, even if it's a
listening ear or understanding. Try to see things from
another's viewpoint. Even if you see others acting in their
own interests and not thinking of you, do not do the same.
You cannot fight dark with dark because it will only create
more darkness. Invest in your spiritual bank account. Make
as many positive contributions as you can. Like the spiritual
seekers who prayed and meditated during World War II, we
may not see the results immediately. But the effects are
mathematical. Eventually enough light will accumulate to
shine on the dark emerging on the planet.
It is a law of physics that every action has an equal
reaction. Surely sending love will bring better results
than sending missiles and tanks. Instead of waging a war
(which only begets more war), why don't we wage a campaign
of prayer? We might be surprised at what comes back to
Many blessings for love & light,
The "Vision of General McClellan" is excerpted
from "The Secret Destiny of America,"
by Manly
P. Hall, Philosophical Research Society, Los Angeles.
General George Washington appeared to General McClellan,
of the Union forces, during the Civil War. Washington related
to McClellan the words of the angel who had delivered the
prophesy for America to him. Washington's vision has been
documented many times. The following is an interesting
Reported in Portland (Maine) Evening Courier on March
8, 1862:
he (McClellan) looked up, he saw the movements of the
various troops and regiments, and
a complete pattern
of the enemy's lines. Then his elation changed to great
apprehension, he saw the enemy's forces moving to certain
points which he himself had intended to occupy within the
next few days. He realized his plans were known to the
"You have been betrayed," a voice spoke from
within a luminous light. "And had God not willed otherwise,
ere the sun of tomorrow had set the Confederate (the Southern)
flag would have waved above the Capitol and your own grave."
pencil moved with the speed of thought, McClellan transferred
the troop positions from
the living map to
the paper map on his desk. McClellan became aware that
the figure staying near him had increased in light and
he looked into the face of George Washington.
(George Washington speaks:)
"While yet in the flesh, I (George Washington) beheld the
birth of the American Republic. It was indeed a hard and
bloody one, but God's blessing was upon the nation, and
therefore, through this, her first great struggle for existence,
He sustained her and with His mighty hand brought her out
triumphantly. A century has not passed since then, and
yet the child Republic has taken her position of peer with
nations whose pages of history extend for ages into the
past. She has, since those dark days, by the favor of GOD,
greatly prospered. And now, by very reason of this prosperity,
has she been brought to her second great struggle. This
is by far the most perilous ordeal she has to endure; passing
as she is from childhood to opening maturity, she is called
on to accomplish that vast result, self-conquest (as is
done in the maturation process of all Great Souls); to
learn that important lesson, self-control, self-rule, that
in the future will place her in the van of power and civilization.
"But her mission will not then be finished; fore ere another
century shall have gone by, the oppressors of the whole
earth, hating and envying her exaltation, shall join themselves
together and raise up their hands against her. But if she
still be found worthy of her high calling they shall surely
be discomfited, and then will be ended her third and last
great struggle for existence. Thenceforth shall the Republic
go on, increasing in power and goodness, until her borders
shall end only in the remotest corners of the earth, and
the whole earth shall beneath her sheltering wing become
a Universal Republic. Let her in her prosperity, however,
remember the Lord her God, her trust be always in Him,
and she shall never be confounded."
information about the Spear of Longinus and the work
of Rudolf Steiner, is gleaned from "The Spear of
Destiny...The Occult Power Behind the Spear which Pierced
the Side of Christ ... and How Hitler Inverted the Force
in a Bid to Conquer the World," by Trevor Ravenscroft,
Weiser Books, 1973.