Summer Solstice 2019
Summer Solstice
The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, arrives on Friday,
June 21, 2019. This peak of solar light opens a powerful opportunity for you to
focus your thoughts and prayers on the good you would like to create. Sit
quietly in contemplation or meditation during the days leading to Summer
Solstice, and focus your gaze at the point between the eyebrows—your spiritual
eye. Project an image from this powerful energy vortex in your body of the
peaceful, harmonious world you would like to live in and the positive, peaceful
way you would like to feel. Every uplifting thought you send out will
bring greater peace, harmony, and light to you--and to our world!
Several high-energy periods will dynamically drive you forward
this summer. The first high-energy period arrives at the New Moon
Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019. A
New Moon Solar Eclipse clears the way for a new idea, a new understanding, and
a new direction. When the New Moon Solar Eclipse is in the Sign of Cancer, the
new idea, understanding, or direction will have to do with your home, family,
and feelings of safety and security. Get ready for more light to
illuminate a Cancerian issue (having to do with
borders, homes, shelter, families, and children), while also casting a shadow
on the above issues. You may be thinking about establishing new boundaries
between yourself and others in your home or in close personal relationships.
You may be concerned about your safety and security. You may be wrestling with
childhood issues—and creatively giving voice to your inner child. This New Moon
Eclipse, which will be visible in South America, is opposite Saturn in
Capricorn, creates an opportunity for manifesting your positive thoughts.
Karmic Saturn conjoins the South Node of the Moon 2 days later, on July 4,
2019. This will help you—and the United States, whose 243rd birthday
is on that day—to let go of a pattern that is no longer needed.
The second high-energy period comes at the Full Moon Lunar
Eclipse on July 16, 2019, when the Sun aligns with Venus and the North
Node of the Moon in Cancer opposite the Moon, Saturn, Pluto, and the South Node
of the Moon in Capricorn. Full Moons can be tense periods, and when you have
Saturn and Pluto in the mix, buried issues can be raised to the surface for
healing. Saturn and Pluto can also can add a bit of volatility to the mixture.
So, with the loving energy of Venus in the planetary configuration, focus
on the loving qualities within yourself that you would like to
manifest. The July 16 eclipse will be visible in Europe,
Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Antarctica, where its impact will
be strongest.
The greatest light of hope comes from the alignment of lucky Jupiter in
Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in Pisces during the months before and 2
months after the eclipses. The special energies
of Jupiter and Neptune reward humankind for making spiritual efforts. The veil
between the physical and astral worlds is a bit thinner under the series of
Jupiter-Neptune alignments that will bracket the eclipses (Jupiter squares
Neptune on January 9, June 16 and September
21, 2019). The Jupiter-Neptune alignments present peak periods for
spiritual growth and progress. So, the good news is that the challenging events
in the outer world will likely drive you and others to seek your fulfillment in the spiritual energies accessible
in your inner world. The potential for great spiritual progress is
available to you at this time!
Another highlight of the summer season is a grand alignment of 5 planets
in Virgo at the Virgo New Moon of August 30, 2019. Eight of
the 10 known celestial bodies will be in earth signs from late August
to mid-September. These include the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in
the earth sign of Virgo; innovative Uranus in the earth sign of Taurus; and
disciplined Saturn and transformative Pluto in the earth sign of Capricorn.
These intense earth energies will increase the need to convert ideas held in
the mind into physical form. The ideas will be innovative, and will have been
brewing in the collective consciousness for a long period of time.
The alignment of 5 planets in Virgo will have its greatest impact in the
days following the Virgo New Moon on August 30, 2019—when the Sun
and Mars conjoin each other in Virgo on September 2, 2019, and when
Mercury conjoins Mars and Mars conjoins the Sun in Virgo on September 3,
The energy will lighten up a bit when Venus in Virgo opposes Neptune in
Pisces on September 4, 2019, and when communicative Mercury in
Virgo squares lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius on September 6, 2019,
and the Sagittarius Moon joins Jupiter in Sagittarius 9 minutes later on September
6, 2019, making a square angle to the Virgo planets. Mercury
opposes Neptune the next day, on September 7, 2019. This
alignment may cause a bit of confusion. But when the Sun squares
Jupiter on September 8, 2019, all will be forgiven and will
ultimately work out for the best. The first week of September will be quite
intense and busy!
Your thoughts will become even more powerful and your energy levels
will rise at the Harvest Full Moon on September 13, 2019,
aided by Mars in Virgo squaring Jupiter in Sagittarius and opposing Neptune in
Pisces. Additionally, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces will make a
perfect square in the sky on September 21, 2019, heightening the
need to connect with a higher spiritual reality in the midst of potentially
confusing or clashing earthly affairs.
Also note that Mercury will be retrograde during most of July,
from July 7 to July 31, 2019. So July is an excellent month for
relaxation, renewal, and reviewing of the past.
Happy Summer
In Love & Light,
Please Read on for
Your Personalized Astrological Predictions for Every Sign!
(March 21 – April 19)
Your planetary ruler, Mars in Cancer, makes a potent angle with willful Pluto in Capricorn on June 19, 2019. This celestial
transit will give you the drive and the power to accomplish your long-standing
goals. Your tendency during the summer season will be to move forward at high
speed without regard to consequences. Try to periodically slow down and apply
the brakes, so you can make sure you are still on track with your original
vision. A Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019 will challenge you to justify the way you
apply your time and energy on a daily basis. Something will change in your
home, even if it’s a new routine. A Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will change
the way you perceive the world—and the way you are perceived in the world. Your
reputation is important to you. So make sure you do the right thing when public
interactions are involved. Mercury retrograde from July 7 to 31, 2019 will give
you a moment to pause and review the past, so you may make course
corrections. A line-up of 4 planets in Virgo from late August to
mid-September will focus your mind on putting the fine details into order. Sort
through files and contracts, pay bills, and catch up on emails, texts,
and telephone calls in late August and early September. This is a
wonderful time to re-organize and re-order out-of-order areas of your life. You
like to live your life at a fast pace—you get a lot done that way. But
sometimes you move so quickly, you don’t read the fine print, and you may miss
important aspects of the situations you are involved in. When the Virgo Moon
joins the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo on August 29, 30, and 31, your
organizational energies will be at a peak! You then will feel even more
energized when the Virgo Sun conjoins your planetary ruler, Mars, in Virgo, on
September 2, 2019. This will be your opportune time to move up to the next
level! Mercury and Venus in your opposing sign of Libra on September 14,
2019 and the Autumn Equinox Sun in Libra on September 23, 2019 will
balance and harmonize your relationship dynamics.
(April 20 – May 20)
Loving Venus, your planetary ruler, forms a potent angle in the sky with
spiritual Neptune on June 24, 2019, opening the way for you to give generously
of your abundance to others. A Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019 and a Lunar
Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will spark a new insight about a sibling or a neighbor. Then, innovative Uranus in Taurus forms a
powerful angle with energetic Mars in Leo on July 11, 2019. This will help you
take quick action on a long-standing domestic issue. This could be a renovation
of a part of your home or simply moving a piece of furniture to a new location.
This small change will ripple into your environment and create positive energy
waves for change. Your creativity will be at a peak during the summer season as
Uranus in Taurus forms a square angle with the expressive Sun in Leo on July
29, 2019, with loving Venus in Leo on August 2, 2019, and with communicative
Mercury in Leo on August 16, 2019. Four planets in the compatible earth sign of
Virgo from late August to mid-September will strengthen your ability to express
your creativity. Think about where you would like to focus your energies—and
move forward! You have a gift for gardening, painting, music, and color. Let your creative abilities shine throughout the
summer season! The Moon in Taurus during the week preceding a grand alignment
of 5 planets in Virgo on August 29, 30, and 31, 2019 will help you discover the
best use for the earth energy emanating from the heavens—when the Sun, Moon, Mercury,
Venus, and Mars traverse the earth sign of Virgo, and Saturn and Pluto traverse
the compatible earth sign of Capricorn, and innovative Uranus travels through
the earth sign of Taurus. Only Jupiter and Neptune will be in non-earth signs
by late summer. Lucky Jupiter will be in the fire sign of Sagittarius and
spiritual Neptune will be in the imaginative water sign of Pisces during this
“earthy” interval. Lucky Jupiter and spiritual Neptune align on September 21,
2019, sparking your intuition and enabling you to perceive the wisdom you carry
in your soul. Slow down, breathe deeply, and sit in quiet contemplation or
meditation to discover what your next step should be—according to your soul’s
wisdom. A quiet message from deep within you is available to guide you about
ways to implement the abundant earth energy in late summer. This will lead you
to a more satisfying reality.
GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
Your planetary ruler, Mercury, will be retrograde in the signs of Leo and
Cancer from July 7 to 31, 2019. This 4-time-a-year phenomenon will enable you
to slow down and contemplate creative new approaches to your home and family. A
solution may bring you into a healing relationship with a child or help you
resolve a childhood memory. At the very least, you will get in touch with a
younger part of yourself that you will integrate into your adult expression.
This child-like energy that may have been repressed is ready for full
expression. It holds the key to your future creativity! Loving Venus in Gemini
until July 3, 2019 will help you attract affectionate, positive, and supportive
people to yourself. A Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019 will illuminate a facet of
your financial health. A better way to organize your finances will become
apparent. A Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will cause you to travel to an old
destination by an alternate route. By changing your usual patterns, you will
rediscover some of the magic of life. An alignment of 4 planets in the
Mercury-ruled sign of Virgo from late August until mid-September will heighten
your mental awareness and enable you to focus on details you have ignored in
the past. This also is a good time to bring greater order and organization to
your home environment. You will feel more stable and grounded when your daily routines
are more efficient and streamlined. You are very good at making sense out of
even the most nonsensical situations, but you truly will feel better when you
alleviate a little disorder from your living situation. This is a wonderful
opportunity to slow down, breathe, and simply contemplate the wonder of your beingness. When lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius squares
spiritual Neptune in Pisces on September 21, 2019, you will see the world in a
blurry, impressionistic manner. This celestial event will open a spiritual
channel in you. Try to apply any spiritual lessons you may learn in mid-to-late
September throughout the rest of the year.
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019 will cause you to question a
core value. Sit with the feeling for at least 2 weeks before taking action or
changing direction. New information will be available at the Full Moon Lunar
Eclipse on July 16, 2019. At this point, you will be ready to bring a new
project or idea to fruition. For greatest success, wait another 2 weeks to
begin your new project until just after the upcoming New Moon in Leo on July
31, 2019. Your forward movement also will be supported by the completion of
Mercury retrograde in Cancer on July 31, 2019. Communicative Mercury will be in
Cancer from July 19 to August 11, 2019. Mercury in Cancer will enable you to
express yourself most clearly. Loving Venus in Cancer from July 3 to 27, 2019
will also attract supportive people to you. A new chapter is ready to begin in
August. A line-up of 4 planets in Virgo from late August to mid-September will
help you gather new information that will contribute to an important new
insight. This insight will help you re-sculpt a current action plan and enable
you to take the first step. The 5 planets in Virgo under the New Moon in
Virgo on August 30, 2019 also will sharpen your critical eye. Be ready to
discover something you missed in the past. But also wait to take action until
you have a more expansive perspective after the Autumn Equinox, when the Sun
moves into Libra, the sign of balance, on September 23, 2019. You may also have
more contact with your neighbors, siblings, and
people who feel like brothers and sisters to you under the grand alignment in
Virgo, which peaks under the Virgo New Moon on August 30, 2019. An alignment of
lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in Pisces on September 21,
2019 will spark your curiosity and imagination. Use this renewed sense of
wonder to explore a trip you might take or a new subject you might explore.
Even though you don’t always seek to go too far outside of your comfort zone,
this is a good time to delve into and explore the unknown!
(July 23 – August 22)
Communicative Mercury in Leo from June 26 to July 19, 2019 and again from
August 11 to 29, 2019 will enable you to easily express your views during the
summer season. The Sun in Leo from July 22 to August 23, 2019 will also support
forward movement on your important goals. Loving Venus in Leo from July 27 to
August 21, 2019 will strengthen your magnetism and attract the people and
support you need. And energetic Mars in Leo from July 1 to August 17, 2019 will
give you even more drive to persevere if you encounter challenges. Innovative
Uranus in Taurus forms a powerful angle in the sky with energetic Mars in Leo
on July 11, 2019, which will enable you to change direction in your business
affairs. Uranus squares the expressive Sun in Leo on July 29, 2019, causing a
hidden aspect of your personality to emerge. When Uranus squares loving Venus
in Leo on August 2, 2019, you will diplomatically assert yourself in a loving
relationship. And when Uranus aligns with communicative Mercury in Leo on
August 16, 2019, it’s best to count to 10 before speaking because your temper
will be quick. These planetary alignments will help you experiment with a new
aspect of your character so it may become a healthy, integrated part of the
personality you express. Be prepared to discover depths of power in yourself
that you never knew you had! The line-up of 4 planets in Virgo in late
August, just after your Leo birthday, until mid-September, will help you focus
on ways to enhance your financial health. This is a good time to discover ways
to either get a greater return on your savings and investments, or to earn more
money for the services you normally perform. Prosperity is available for you!
Use the energy of the Virgo New Moon, when 5 planets will grace the Sign of the
Virgin on August 29, 20, and 31, 2019, to discern where you may make your
greatest progress. Your eye for detail will be sharper than normal, so search
for good opportunities that you may have overlooked in the past. An alignment
of lucky Jupiter in the compatible fire sign of Sagittarius and spiritual
Neptune in the mystical water sign of Pisces on September 21, 2019 will enable
you to experience a spiritual truth that will bring greater meaning to your
earthly experiences. This is an opportunity to tune into a latent talent you
possess on a soul level. Sit in quiet contemplation or meditation. Become aware
of your breathing. Allow images to arise from your subconscious and superconscious minds, where the energy of your soul
resides. Follow the logical and reasonable impulses that arise in your mind!
(August 23 – September 22)
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019 will enable you to shift your
focus to friends you have been unable to connect with during the past 6 months.
A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will delay a creative project so you
may discover a new and hidden piece of information. Your planetary ruler,
communicative Mercury, slows down and turns retrograde from July 7 to 31, 2019.
This quarterly planetary phenomenon will help you integrate new pieces of
information into your present plans. It also will help you catch up on
outstanding commitments from the past. You will rebalance an out-of-balance
personal or professional relationship during this period. It’s a time of
rectification that will enable you to feel ready to close an old chapter and
open a new one. Make sure to focus on the big picture rather than small
details. A line-up of 5 planets in Virgo under the Virgo New Moon on August 30,
2019 will make you feel as if others are either looking at you under a microscope—or you are looking at others under a microscope.
Step back and see the big picture. The line-up of 4 planets in
Virgo from August 29 to September 14 will focus the spotlight on you
during the late summer. The last 3 days of August will put you particularly in
the limelight when 5 planets traverse the Sign of the Virgin—Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, and Mars. People who you normally do not have contact with will
cross your path under this alignment. This is a fortunate time to initiate new
plans and new directions. You will magnetically attract all that you need,
especially when the Virgo Sun conjoins Mars in Virgo on September 2, 2019 and
when Mercury conjoins Mars and Mars conjoins the Sun in Virgo on September 3,
2019. New ideas and cherished dreams will fall into place. An alignment
of lucky Jupiter in the inspiring fire sign of Sagittarius and spiritual
Neptune in the mystical water sign of Pisces on September 21, 2019 will
heighten your intuition and strengthen the power of your thoughts,
affirmations, and prayers. Spend a little extra time in quiet contemplation,
prayer, and meditation prior to this pivotal time. Reap the results in the days
leading up to the Autumn Equinox on September 23, 2019! With so much positive
planetary energy in Virgo in late summer, this is your time to shine!
LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)
A New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019 will cause you to question your career
path or your work in the world. You will feel more firmly on your path and
clear about your coming decisions after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16,
2019. To be safe, consider waiting until after the July 31, 2019 New Moon in
Leo to make a final decision. The Leo New Moon will give you a fresh
perspective—one that will include the big picture and the needs of yourself and
many others. You may feel too weighed down by heavy details earlier in the
month of July, due to the eclipses and the retrograde motion of the
communications planet, Mercury, from July 7 to 31, 2019. The month of August
begins a new chapter for you. A larger, humanitarian perspective, fueled by the energy you will gather from your soul during
an upcoming alignment of 5 planets in Virgo on August 30, 2019, will influence
the next stage of your journey. Take any delays you may experience during the
summer season as signs that you have to gather more information before taking
your next step. The highlight of your year begins on September 14, 2019,
when communicative Mercury and loving Venus travel into Libra within hours of
each other, soon to be followed by the Sun in Libra at the Autumn Equinox on
September 23, 2019. This is your time to shine! A line-up of 4 planets in Virgo
from late August to mid-September will facilitate a contemplative period for
you. Combined with an alignment of lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune
in Pisces on September 21, 2019, this is a good time to tune in to your Higher
Self. Set aside time to listen to your inner voices and cultivate your
relationship with your soul. Yoga, meditation, contemplation, and journaling
will lead you closer to your inner being. You generally devote much energy to
helping others and being there for them. This is an important time to spend
with yourself. You will discover much richness inside of yourself and you will
experience a personal growth spurt as a result of the introspection and
self-analysis you choose to do.
SCORPIO (October 24 – November 21)
A powerful alignment of lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in
Pisces on June 16, 2019 may blur the boundaries between reality and your
personal perceptions. Check with other people to get a multi-faceted, objective
perspective on any issue that may be causing you angst. A New Moon Solar
Eclipse on July 2, 2019 in the compatible water sign of Cancer will help you
take a more practical approach to a situation in which you have been
emotionally entangled. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will cause
you to see a friend in a new light—probably a positive new light that is
enlightened by the new information and insight you gained under the Jupiter-Neptune
alignment on June 16, 2019. An alignment of 5 planets in Virgo under the New
Moon in Virgo on August 30, 2019 will help you reassess, readjust, and reassert
your position in a social circle, so you may focus on special social
commitments and friendships. Another alignment of lucky Jupiter in
Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in Pisces on September 21, 2019 will give you
an opportunity to reassert your personal boundaries in situations where you may
have drawn too closely to another person. If you are feeling unclear about how
you think or feel in a personal relationship, it will be very beneficial to
take some time away to discover your true sentiments. Your desire to be close
to others may occasionally prompt you to let go of important elements of your
personal path; or conversely, you may try to impose your agenda on another
person. This is a good time for you and others with whom you are close to step
back, re-capture your individuality, and come back together from a clearer and
more defined perspective. A blurred sense of self could ultimately cause
confusion, a sense of listlessness, low energy, or even depression. You
are well-poised to re-gather your strength at this time.
(November 22 – December 21)
An energizing alignment of lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune
in Pisces on June 16, 2019 will help you to re-configure a long-standing
attitude. This change in perspective will open many new avenues of opportunity.
Think carefully about the new direction you would like to go. Anticipate
consequences—and protect yourself if you foresee
unpredictable outcomes. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July 2, 2019 will
further disrupt an old pattern. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will
free up some financial resources that previously had been unavailable. These
resources will help you meet some upcoming goals. Take stock of your goals and
dreams during the Mercury Retrograde from July 7 to 31, 2019. Prepare to move
forward with decisive action in early August, after the retrograde is
complete. Mars in the compatible fire sign of Leo from July 1 to August
17, 2019 will give you the energy you need to make much progress. A
line-up of 4 planets in Virgo from late August to mid-September will focus you
on an element of your life path in need of improvement. You will need to have
quiet time to re-strategize and re-organize your priorities. You may also
sharpen your concentration on career goals—or on contributions you would like
to make to improve the world around you. An alignment of lucky Jupiter in
Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in Pisces on September 21, 2019 will help you
to see what you need to do to cultivate a closer relationship with your soul.
You may decide to spend extra time in contemplation, journaling, or meditation.
Even though these internal activities require the kind of stillness you do not
normally crave, your energy levels will rise as a result of your focused
concentration. This introspective period will help you become more efficient
during the active periods of your day. Fortunate Jupiter, your planetary ruler,
remains in Sagittarius until December 2, 2019. This is a good time to travel,
study a spiritual philosophy, or pursue projects and goals that involve an
element of risk. Combined with positive thinking and practical planning, good
fortune is on your side! Your planetary ruler, Jupiter, moves into direct
motion (after being retrograde since mid-April) on August 11, 2019. This change
in direction will strengthen your ability to magnetize positive circumstances!
(December 22 – January 19)
Energetic Mars in your opposing sign of Cancer until July 1, 2019 will attract
new opportunities and relationships. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer on July
2, 2019 will heighten your emotional reactions to events swirling around you.
This influence will begin at the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2019, and will
last until the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on July 16, 2019. Stand
back and gain perspective if your emotions feel overwhelming. You will have a
fresh perspective after the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019. You may
experience a nurturing quality in a relationship from the past. Healing is
possible. An alignment of 5 planets under the New Moon in Virgo on August 30,
2019 will support you to discover a hidden talent within yourself. Talk to
others to see if you can discover the latent talent you possess that you have
neither fully developed nor fully expressed. This is a good time to realize
your dreams! Your planetary ruler, Saturn, resumes direct motion in Capricorn
on September 18, 2019, after being retrograde since late April. This celestial
shift will enable you to accomplish many important goals where progress has
been delayed. With the help of 4 planets in the compatible earth sign of Virgo
from late August until mid-September, along with innovative Uranus in the
compatible earth sign of Taurus, and disciplined Saturn and profound Pluto in
Capricorn, you will have the celestial support you need to make your influence
felt. An alignment of lucky Jupiter in expansive Sagittarius and spiritual
Neptune in the inclusive sign of Pisces on September 21, 2019 will strengthen
your intuition and enhance the power of your spiritual efforts. Spend a little
time in quiet contemplation or meditation to receive empowering messages from
your soul. The soul guidance you will receive will uplift your life to a higher
plane of consciousness!
AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
When energizing Mars aligns with your planetary ruler, Uranus, on July 11,
2019, you will be ready to take action on a project you have been thinking
about for as long as 7 years. Then, when Uranus in Taurus forms a square angle
with the expressive Sun in Leo on July 29, 2019, you will feel even more
prepared to express your refined vision. The square angle between Uranus in Taurus
and loving Venus in Leo on August 2, 2019 will stimulate your artistic
inclinations and bring out your rich inner gifts of compassion and brotherly
love. The square angle formed between Uranus and communicative Mercury in Leo
on August 16, 2019, will spark your creativity and attract many resourceful
people to you. They will help you realize your altruistic goals! A New Moon
Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019 will help you change your diet in a positive,
healing way. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019 will awaken a memory
from earlier in your life. Consider the lessons learned, apply their wisdom in
your present life, and then let go of attachment to this earlier state of
affairs. Your planetary ruler, Uranus, turns retrograde from August 11,
2019 to January 10, 2020. This is a good period to pull your energy inward and
introspect on the direction of your life. A line-up of 4 planets in
Virgo from late August until mid-September will help you delve even more
deeply into the recesses of your heart and mind to discover your profound
thoughts and feelings. You may at times tend to sweep thoughts and feelings
under the rug, dismissing your own personal reactions as being insignificant
compared to the “big picture” you are always aware of. This is a time to
get in touch with the “little picture” inside your own heart, mind, and soul.
An alignment of lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in
Pisces on September 21, 2019 will help you dive ever more deeply into your
subconscious mind—which will lead you to your superconscious mind and awareness of your soul.
PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
The alignment of lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and spiritual Neptune in
Pisces on June 16, 2019 will open your imagination to possibilities you
previously had not considered. Use the summer season to determine
which ideas are realistic, practical, and beneficial to your
future—and which are not. Check with others who have practical, grounded
experience in the area you would like to explore. Let go of one creative idea
that is not workable at the New Moon Solar Eclipse on July 2, 2019. Test the
validity of another new idea at the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on July 16, 2019.
You will be ready to implement the most realistic and workable ideas beginning
at the New Moon in Leo on July 31, 2019. An alignment of 5 planets in the
earth sign of Virgo at the Virgo New Moon on August 30, 2019 will bring helpful
people into your life who will first question your vision, and then support you
when you prove its solidity. The line-up of 4 planets in your opposite
sign of Virgo from late August until mid-September will magnetize many
high-energy people to you. The Virgo New Moon on August 30, 2019 will
be a particularly powerful time, when there will be a grand total of 5 planets
in Virgo (out of the 10 known celestial bodies in our solar system), plus 3
more celestial bodies in earth signs—karmic Saturn and profound Pluto in the
earth sign of Capricorn and innovative Uranus in the earth sign of Taurus. Think
about directions you would like to go in partnership with others, and join with
the beneficial people who will be in your sphere. Your planetary ruler, Neptune
in Pisces, aligns with lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius on September 21, 2019 to
create a fortunate opportunity to think about the positive principles you would
like to apply. Pre-visualize your success, and take the initial steps to
realize your dreams! All will fall into place for you in the summer
- OM -