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Autumn Equinox 2019


Autumn Equinox Greetings!

The Autumn Equinox—the moment when day and night are of equal length—arrives on Monday, September 23, 2019.  This point of balance opens an opportunity for you to make balanced decisions about the next steps in your life, and to accrue objective insights into yourself and the world around you. This is a fortunate time to focus your thoughts and prayers on the good that you would like to create—with the insights that are coming to you now! Sit quietly in contemplation or meditation during the days leading up to Autumn Equinox, and focus your gaze at the point between the eyebrows—your spiritual eye. Project an image (from the powerful vortex of light at the center of your forehead) of the peaceful, harmonious world you would like to live in and the positive, the peaceful way you would like to feel—and the way you would like to achieve this state of being. Send your positive, peaceful thoughts and images into the world, knowing that every positive thought you think will bring greater illumination to the world—and will eventually bring positive energy back to you.

As you read this, you are just about to unwind from a grand alignment of 5 planets in Virgo from August 29 to August 30, 2019 and 4 planets in Virgo until September 14, 2019. This powerful collection of planets in Virgo focused your mind on an area of your life in need of renovation and rectification. The Autumn season will be a time of implementing the solutions you've discovered. Make sure to slow down from the busy-ness of the world and take stock. Decide upon the direction you would like to go so it fits your higher purpose. Get ready to move forward after the Autumn Equinox!

The Jupiter-Neptune alignment that cast a veil over the truth during most of 2019 will begin to dissipate after the last of 3 Jupiter-Neptune alignments on Saturday, September 21, 2019, several days before the Autumn Equinox on Monday, September 23, 2019. A more realistic view of potentials and challenges will become clear throughout the Autumn season. Hidden truths will be revealed.

Communicative Mercury and loving Venus both leave the work-oriented earth sign of Virgo on September 14, 2019 and move into the peace-loving sign of Libra on Saturday, September 14, 2019. This planetary shift will enable you to focus on the highest good of your relationships. Pay attention to what you need to do to create peace and harmony in your personal life as well as in the world. Your efforts will be supported as the Earth moves through the constellation of Libra from Monday, September 23 to Wednesday, October 23, 2019. Your efforts to create inner peace and harmony will reverberate into the world around you and will steadily bring peace and harmony to the greater human family. 

Also note: 

- Mercury will be retrograde from October 31 to November 20, 2019. Try to get as much done in advance before any complications set in!

- Fortunate Jupiter enters the government and authority-oriented sign of Capricorn on December 2, 2019, where it will be for one year. This is a time when governmental bodies try extra hard to assert their authority—and people mobilize to counter that control.  Jupiter aligns with innovative Uranus on December 15, 2019, opening the way for creative responses to unexpected circumstances. Ultimately, your creativity will be enhanced and your inner core strengthened as a result of deploying the energy of these planetary alignments.

- The Winter Solstice arrives with the shortest day of the year—on December 21/22, 2019.

- A powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Capricorn occurs on Christmas Day, December 25, 2019. This eclipse will uncover hidden political issues from the Fall of 2019.
- Your prayers and efforts to be kind, helpful, peaceful, and harmonious will help establish an electromagnetic field that strengthens the vibration of peace across the planet. That we can join together as individuals through our thoughts—supported by positive actions—is the greatest way to heal the planet and contribute to world peace and harmony. It is a blessing to be part of your united efforts!

With love, light, peace & harmony,


Please Read on for Your Personalized Astrological Predictions for Every Sign!


ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
This is an excellent time for harmonious relationships and diplomatic communications while communicative Mercury and loving Venus traverse your opposing sign of Libra beginning on September 14, 2019. The diplomatic effect is even greater when combined with the Sun in Libra at the Autumn Equinox on September 23, 2019, and most importantly, with your planetary ruler, Mars, in Libra, from October 3 to November 19, 2019. This is a time when you will experience greater balance and harmony in your important relationships—those from the past and those you initiate during this period. Relationships begun under this influence portend a peaceful and harmonious future. October and November are particularly vibrant for you, with relationships taking the spotlight from early October to mid-November. High-powered activity predominates as powerful Mars (your planetary ruler) expresses most strongly while it passes through the sign of Scorpio, which will be from November 19, 2019 to January 3, 2020. A plethora of planets in Scorpio also will support your forward movement—the energizing Sun is in Scorpio from October 23 to November 22, 2019, loving Venus is in Scorpio from October 8 to November 1, 2019, and communicative Mercury transits Scorpio from October 3 to December 9, 2019, giving you the opportunity to assert your vision and influence others. Please note that while Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio from October 31 to November 20, 2019, you may experience delays. But your message will be heard once the retrograde completes on November 20, 2019!

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
Innovative Uranus in Taurus makes several poignant alignments that will precipitate necessary changes to your life during the Autumn season. You are not normally in favor of making sudden changes, but ultimately the creative responses you initiate in the face of upcoming celestial energies will make you very happy. Activating Uranus will engender greater movement in your life when Uranus opposes communicative Mercury on October 6, 2019; when Uranus opposes loving Venus on October 12, 2019; when the Taurus Moon conjoins Uranus on October 14, 2019; when the Scorpio Sun opposes Uranus on October 28, 2019; and when the Taurus Moon conjoins Uranus again on November 10, 2019 and December 15, 2019. Lucky Jupiter forms a positive angle in the sky to Uranus in Taurus on December 15, 2019, which will open the way for even greater constructive and positive changes. Fortunate Jupiter in the compatible earth sign of Capricorn from December 2, 2019 to December 19, 2020 also initiates a fortunate period for you! A number of planets in your opposing sign of Scorpio in October, November, and December—Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars—make this a fortunate time for your relationships. The relationship spotlight also will shine even more brightly on you as Mercury transits Scorpio from October 3 to December 9, 2019, with Mercury retrograde in Scorpio from October 31 to November 20, 2019. Enjoy the interesting events that come your way!

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
You will have the opportunity to see the world through a clear lens after the the completion of the Jupiter-Neptune alignment on September 21, 2019. This planetary alignment has partially obfuscated the facts for everyone since it began earlier in 2019. The square angle formed in the sky between lucky Jupiter in Sagittarius and illusional Neptune in Pisces creates what is called a T-square (in astrological terms) with your Gemini Sun. This means that it could have been a little more challenging than normal to discern the difference between wishful thinking and reality. It’s been a great time for dreaming, seeing what you want to see, and indulging in spiritual practices that enable you to transcend mundane reality. With the passage of the Jupiter-Neptune influence 2 days prior to the Autumn Equinox, you will get off to a good start in the Autumn season. Your vision will be clear; your ideas will be inspired; and you will be able to put your realistic perceptions into proper perspective. Try make your plans and be prepared by getting your ducks in a row before Mercury, your planetary ruler, turns retrograde from October 31 to November 20, 2019. Relax, rest, renew, and review during this retrograde period. After November 20, 2019, it’s smooth sailing for you throughout the rest of the year!

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
The Autumn Equinox on September 23, 2019 initiates a 3-month period where you benefit by concentrating your energies on your home, family, and daily routines. This is an auspicious time to make needed improvements to your home environment and adjustments to your daily routine. These small changes will create greater comfort in your daily life. The Moon in Cancer on September 22 and 23, October 19 and 20, November 15 and 16, and December 13, are especially fortunate days for you. Try to take care of necessary paperwork before Mercury turns retrograde on October 31, 2019. Be prepared to relax, renew, and review during the retrograde period—until it is complete on November 20, 2019. Then, get ready to move forward with plans you have decided to implement during the retrograde period. An alignment of Jupiter and Neptune during the first 9 months of the year has opened your imagination to new possibilities. This is an auspicious time to experiment with your innovative ideas. Lucky Jupiter in your opposing sign of Capricorn from December 2, 2019 to January 3, 2020 will bring fortunate partnerships into your life.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
The months following your birthday are a powerful time for initiating a new chapter in your life. Think about where you have been in the year since your last birthday, and think about where you would like to go between now and your next birthday. Jupiter in the compatible fire sign of Sagittarius until December 2, 2019 will fuel your creativity and fortify your luck for much of the rest of this year, particularly when you are dealing with children, small animals and pets. This also is a time to strengthen your personal identity by experimenting with different ways of expressing yourself. As you feel stronger within yourself, you will be able to hold the space for others to be themselves too! An alignment this year between Jupiter and Neptune may have raised your expectations to unrealistic levels. The antidote is to realistically accept present limitations to raise your happiness level. Mercury Retrograde from October 31 to November 20, 2019 will give you a chance to reorganize, clean, or renovate your home. Jupiter in Capricorn from December 2 to January 3, 2020 will help you to make your work life more efficient.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
You will breathe a sigh of relief once the Jupiter-Neptune alignments of 2019 are complete on September 21, 2019.  The September Jupiter-Neptune line-up, which occurs just two days before the Autumn Equinox, has been part of an ongoing planetary alignment of Jupiter and Neptune that has blurred the clarity of activity on Earth since January 13, 2019. While this celestial alignment obscures earthly reality, it also clarifies celestial realities. It has the power to strengthen your spiritual practice and your connection with your higher self and soul. This will be the wonderful blessing you will take away from the influence of Jupiter and Neptune from January 13 to September 21, 2019! The reason the influence is particularly powerful for Virgo is that the Jupiter-Neptune line-up has created a T-square formation with your Virgo Sun, which, in addition to spiritual advancement, can also create a distortion of proportions and priorities. Hence, anxiety levels may have risen at times this year, when small problems may have loomed larger than normal. Access to your normal coping skills may have been challenged. It may have been difficult to discern the forest from the trees.  Rest easy. The Autumn Equinox will bring you a fresh breeze of earthly and organized energy with which to complete all projects initiated since the start of 2019. Enjoy the new sense of confidence you derive from your accomplishments!

LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)
The Autumn Equinox ushers in a period when you will feel right in sync with the balanced energies created by the day and night of equal length. The 52 days after your birthday are a period of high energy and good luck. Use the 7-week period after your birthday to set the stage for your year ahead. Energizing Mars in Libra from October 4 to November 19, 2019 will help you establish firm foundations for a new chapter. Communicative Mercury in Libra from September 14 to October 3, 2019 will help you to make your point with greatest clarity. Others will understand your message. Loving Venus in Libra from September 14 to October 8, 2019 will attract supportive people to you. And the positive energy of the Sun in Libra from September 23 to October 23, 2019 will provide extra light and energy for your positive endeavors! The New Moon in Libra on September 28, 2019 will help you harmonize in a relationship that may have fallen a bit off track. The New Moon in Scorpio on October 27, 2019 will help you deepen an important relationship. The New Moon in Sagittarius on November 26, 2019 will help you to make solid plans for the future, particularly if it involves planning a trip, an educational endeavor, or a spiritual retreat.

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 21)
You are about to begin a new chapter of your life when the communicative Mercury enters the powerful Sign of the Scorpion on October 3, 2019, followed by loving Venus in Scorpio on October 8, 2019, followed by the energizing Sun in Scorpio on October 23, and activating Mars in Scorpio on November 19, 2019. Mars will remain in Scorpio until early January 2020. This is your time to make your influence felt! Your energy is strong, and through the force of your thoughts, you will be able to turn the tide in disharmonious situations. Make sure you are exerting your influence in a direction that is in the highest good of all to bring the greatest good to yourself too. Innovative Uranus in your opposing sign of Taurus is helping you to let go of the old so you may welcome in new and more appropriate activities for this stage of your journey. Consider fraternizing with a Taurus to get a balanced perspective on your upcoming ventures. The New Moon in Scorpio on October 27, 2019 will provide the inspiration for the next stage of your journey. The Full Moon in Taurus on November 12, 2019 will be a pivotal time for you, when the resolutions you made under the influence of the Taurus Sun and the Scorpio Moon on May 18, 2019 (also known as the “Buddha Moon”) will give you the chance to either soar ahead—or go back to the drawing board to affirm a new course of action.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
You will gain a sense of proportion about over-sized ideas after expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius completes its square angle alignment to Neptune in Pisces on September 21, 2019. These two spiritually-oriented planets have been dancing together in the sky since January 13, 2019. The pas-de-deux will be complete on September 21, 2019. You’re getting ready to properly discern the most important priorities in your life and to let go of exaggerated expectations. You also have been spiritually fortified by the Jupiter and Neptune's celestial transits in 2019. This is a good time to relax and enjoy your spiritual practices. Put on soothing music, close your eyes, connect with your higher self, and pray for the highest outcome for yourself and your loved ones in the coming year. The Moon in Sagittarius on October 2, 3, and 30 will strengthen your efforts to express yourself. The Sagittarius New Moon on November 26, 2019 will initiate a new beginning for you. Jupiter leaves Sagittarius on December 2, 2019 to move into Capricorn until December 19, 2020. This will be a good time to focus on rectifying your finances.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
Your life will move more quickly ahead after your ruling planet, Saturn, turns direct on September 18, 2019. Obstacles will be removed and delays surmounted. With the completion of an alignment of Saturn and the South Node of the Moon in Capricorn on September 28, 2019, you will feel like your life is more purposeful and your actions produce more positive, enduring results. If you have felt frustrated in the past, you will feel greater ease and effortlessness. The way for great progress will be open to you throughout the Autumn season. The Moon in Capricorn on October 5 and November 1, 2, 28, and 29, 2019 will fortify your strength in case of any adversity. Use the Mercury Retrograde period from October 31 to November 20, 2019 to connect with old friends. There are resources yet to explore. Lucky Jupiter in Capricorn from December 2, 2019 to January 3, 2020 will initiate a beneficial one-year period for you!

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
The conclusion of this year’s Jupiter-Neptune square on September 21, 2019 will free you to focus on the reality of putting your plans into action. The first 9 months of this year have given you the latitude to dream big. Now is the time to look at the details so you may begin to implement your idealistic humanitarian vision. The resources are now available to you! The Moon in Aquarius on October 7, November 3-4, and December 1, 2019 will support your forward progress. Don’t be dismayed if there are any temporary delays in progress under Mercury retrograde from October 31 to November 20, 2019. Try to set your strategy in place before October 31, 2019, and everything should unfold smoothly after November 20, 2019. Lucky Jupiter in Capricorn from December 2, 2019 to January 3, 2020 will support all forms of your spiritual practice—prayer, meditation, yoga, chanting, or other forms of contemplation that bring you closer to your soul!

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)
You will be ready to disengage from sticky situations that got created in the late summer season due misunderstandings caused by the grand alignment of 5 planets in your opposing sign of Virgo—in opposition to transcendental Neptune in Pisces and in a square alignment with expansive Jupiter in Sagittarius. If you have felt an excess of agitation during the summer season, the tension and irritation will melt away as the Autumn season unfolds. Your sensitive nervous system may have become overtaxed during the Summer season. But have faith! You are going into a more peaceful and harmonious time. Communicative Mercury and loving Venus in Libra, along with the Sun in Libra until October 23, 2019, will soothe your jangled nerves. It’s a good period to spend extra time in meditation, prayer, introspection, and self-reflection. Being by water—a river, lake, ocean, or even a warm bath—will help you connect with your inner self and enable you to resume your natural rhythm. Fortunate Jupiter in Sagittarius until December 2, 2019 will help you connect in an even deeper way with your soul.  Jupiter in Capricorn from December 2, 2019 to January 3, 2019 will help you connect with positive people who will help you achieve your earthly goals. Enjoy!





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