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Summer Solstice Predictions * June 20th, 2013

Summer Solstice Greetings!


Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, arrives on Thursday, June 20—Friday, June 21. The changing angle of the sun at the solstice imparts greater energy than usual to your thoughts, affirmations, visualizations, and prayers. It is a law of physics that light is strongest when it bends, as it does at every season change marked by the solstice or equinox. This is a favorable  time to pray for and visualize what you would like to create in the coming season. It also is a beneficial time to visualize peace and harmony across the planet.


A number of dynamic planetary alignments this summer will help you experience a greater connection to Spirit through your feelings and a greater connection to your soul through art, music, yoga, and meditation. 

Jupiter, the planet of luck and spiritual expansion, enters the Sign of Cancer on June 25 for the first time since 2002. This celestial transit will cause home prices to temporarily rise until mid-2014. Make your real estate decisions accordingly as the real estate bubble is likely to burst by July 2014. 

  You also may re-visit feelings or thoughts from 2002, or re-experience similar events from that time. As housing prices started rising in that year, so too they will do so again this coming year. But similarly, the inflation in home prices will not last. 

  Additionally, an abundance of energy in the Sign of the Crab during the summer season  will focus your energy on your relationships with family members and your home. This is a good time for people born under the Sign of Cancer, and for people with Cancer strongly featured in their astrological charts, such as Cancer Rising or a Cancer moon.

  Cancer's influence is strongest on these dates:

  • Spiritual Jupiter is in the home-loving sign of Cancer from June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014.
  • The energy-giving Sun is in Cancer from June 20 to July 22, 2013.
  • The communications planet, Mercury, is in Cancer from May 31 to August 8, 2013, including Mercury retrograde in Cancer from June 26 to July 20.
  • The love planet, Venus, is in Cancer from June 2 to June 27, 2013.

  These celestial transits will bring you into greater touch with your feelings and will help you feel the importance of loving connections with people close to you. The influence may also cause you to make emotional decisions. Try to step back and see the big picture before taking action. It will be especially important to try to see objectively while Mercury is retrograde in Cancer from June 26 to July 20.

  A "grand trine" (stable triangular alignment) involving the Signs of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces will form in the sky on July 17 and July 19. The alignment includes spiritual Jupiter in the home-loving sign of Cancer, disciplined Saturn in the psychologically-oriented and transformational sign of Scorpio, and mystical Neptune in the transcendent sign of Pisces. This unusual celestial alignment will stir your imagination and promote creativity that comes from deep in your subconscious. So, prepare to receive inspiration through your dreams. The alignment also will foster flights of fantasy that may blur your ability to see reality clearly. Spiritual practice that harnesses spiritual energy in a disciplined, systematic way, i.e., through yoga and/or meditation, will help you use the flood of spiritual energy in a constructive way.

  Another planetary alignment will occur on August 7 when Jupiter in Cancer opposes Pluto in Capricorn. This  line-up will bring further revelations about corporate and government corruption, on the order of recent scandals revealed at the IRS and JPMorgan Chase & Co.  An alignment between Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn on September 20 will prompt action on long-held secrets. The actions will most likely emanate from governmental and corporate entities, but you may find in your own life that you are prompted to take action on feelings that you have suppressed and long kept secret from others—or even yourself. 

  A square angle between expansive Jupiter and innovative Uranus in Aries on August 21 may further jangle your nerves on a temporary basis, but the energy will also help you open to creative solutions you previously had not considered. Your urge to  act independently and individuate will be very strong under this influence.   This is not a time to make long-term commitments unless you are very sure. Keep your options open and allow your creativity to flow!

  The bottom line on the summer's intense planetary alignments: Authenticity. Authenticity with yourself—and with others too. There is too much to do for your growth to waste time hiding the truth. The acceleration of energies hitting our planet from the celestial spheres will bring the truth to the surface sooner than later anyway. It will be best to deal with whatever reality you are facing before it snow-balls into a greater conundrum. This is not a time when issues can easily be swept under the rug for long. Intense waves of planetary energy will unearth that which has been hidden more rapidly than has been the norm. 

  So, practice honesty, with yourself and others, and know that your growth depends not upon your image or what others think of you, but on your intention to do good for yourself and others, and ultimately on your deepening connection to your soul and Spirit.

  Love & Light for the Summer Solstice,







ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Your life may feel a little topsy-turvy right now as revolutionary Uranus traverses the Sign of the Ram. Take a deep breath and try to gain perspective before jumping to conclusions or reacting impulsively. When you step back and look at the big picture, you will notice the entire world is in a state of flux. The changes you are experiencing may be coming to you more fast and furious than the average person. This is because you karmically elected to be a leader and must complete your lessons ahead of everyone else. When the rest of the world catches on to the wisdom you are now acquiring, you may be ready for the next assignment! So, set a good example and others will follow you.



TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Your planetary ruler, Venus, enters a celestial alignment with powerful Pluto on June 11, bringing intensity and passion to your emotions. If you feel an emotional pull toward a worthy goal, plan to pursue it. If you feel yourself drawn into a direction that will be difficult to extricate yourself from, try to step back and gain perspective before making a commitment. Your gifts of patience, forbearance, and self-restraint will come in handy during the summer months. A spiritual alignment of lucky Jupiter, karmic Saturn, and spiritual Neptune in July will open the way for you to use your imagination and express yourself artistically. Relationships with new people will help you refine an element of your nature. Consequently, you will experiment with expressing yourself in a new way.



GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)

Lucky Jupiter will remain in Gemini until June 25, giving you a chance to meet new people and expand your sphere of influence. The movement of beneficial Jupiter into Cancer from June 25, 2013 to July 16, 2014 will bring you financial rewards from unexpected sources. Mercury retrograde from June 26 to July 20 will give you a chance to catch your breath and catch up on work you were not able to complete earlier this year. A spiritual alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in July will help you express your generosity and receive abundance from others.



CANCER (June 22 – July 22)

Lucky Jupiter enters the Sign of Cancer on June 25, 2013, and will remain in the Sign of the Crab until July 16, 2014. This auspicious celestial transit will bring fortunate circumstances to your life for an entire year. Consequently, many of your dreams, fantasies, and desires will come to fruition! Jupiter also will increase your craving for sweet foods, so be aware of this natural tendency. A little is good but a lot may not be better. You will have the opportunity to successfully manifest a plan you have been contemplating for as many as 12 years during the coming year. You will complete one cycle of your life in late June and start a new cycle shortly thereafter. The new experiences you initiate will raise your consciousness to a higher level. An opposition between lucky Jupiter in Cancer and strong-willed Pluto in Capricorn on August 7 will strengthen your willpower.



LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Your intuition will be stronger than ever this summer as you open to new impressions and sensations in the world around you. Try to relax and feel the natural currents of energy in your environment. This could be through wind or water, or through the thoughts and feelings of the people around you. Try to tune in to the harmonious vibrations of peace and love that are so pleasing to the Leonine soul. You have an open heart and will find many avenues to express your warmth and magnanimity in the summer season. Prayer, contemplation, and meditation will be powerful tools to enhance your inner direction. A spiritual alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in July will support your efforts.



VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

You will make a good situation better when Mercury, the communications planet, turns retrograde from June 26 to July 20. You will re-design plans that you initiated earlier this year. Your new ideas are more in keeping with the times and will bring long sought-after, positive results to you and the people around you. All previous delays will melt away and the wait will prove to have been beneficial in the end. Luck will be on your side when you patiently refine previous strategies and wait for the right moment to implement your new ideas. As you step back from the fray, you will gain valuable insights that will guide your timing as you take your next step. A close connection to a group of like-minded souls during summer season will bolster your self-confidence. The love of a strong, supportive community will empower you to open up in ways you can't yet imagine.  



LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)

Venus, your planetary ruler, opposes deeply emotional Pluto on June 11, giving you the chance to experience the passion you have secretly craved. The power of your feelings will guide your actions during the summer season as lucky Jupiter helps you express the desires of your heart. A family matter will absorb your attention as the summer progresses. Positive resolution is assured when you are able to work collaboratively with others and share any burdens you may be carrying. A spiritual planetary alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune in July will enable you to attract many others to work cooperatively with you. Focus on your positive thoughts, affirmations, and prayers to achieve a positive outcome!



SCORPIO (October 24 – November 21)

While you may feel as if you are facing more than the normal amount of challenges, you do best when faced with obstacles that push you to your limits and help you discover your edge. These challenges help you manifest greater degrees of personal power. So, take any delays or obstacles as tests of faith and strengthand try to develop both qualities under the positive celestial alignment of Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces during the summer season. Your most creative solutions may come to you in dreams. Pay attention to these subtle messengers.  



SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

When your planetary ruler, Jupiter, enters the sensitive water sign of Cancer on June 25, you may feel a more introspective pull on your awareness. This mellow quality will enable you to get in touch with deeper layers of feeling in yourself, which will ultimately unlock doorways to buried creativity.  Give yourself plenty of opportunities to express the unexplored side of your nature.  You have many personal talents and gifts of wisdom to share. Jupiter remains in Cancer until July 16, 2014. During this period, you will reap many benefits by cultivating a closer relationship to home, family, and your inner world of feelings. A spiritual alignment of Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces in July will help you discover the deeper side of an issue you were regarding only superficially.



CAPRICORN (December 22January 19)

Lucky Jupiter in your opposing sign of Cancer from June 25, 2013, to July 16, 2014, will attract many beneficial people into your life. Think about the direction you would like to go and begin to associate with people who share your interests. There are bound to be mutually beneficial synergies created. A spiritual alignment of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune during the summer months will give you a chance to discover a latent talent. LIsten to creative sparks of ideas coming to consciousness during quiet moments and take action as you are able. Something powerful is about to emerge in your awareness.



AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Your planetary ruler, Uranus, enters a transformative alignment with lucky Jupiter on August 21. Prepare for upcoming changes by letting go of routines, possessions, and attachments you no longer need. You will travel faster when your baggage is lighter. Eliminate unnecessary social engagements or entertainment in order to focus on your relationship with your soul through prayer, reading scriptural texts, contemplation, meditation, and positive affirmations. Everything is a potential spiritual experience for you. But some experiences are more spiritual than others. This is a time when the greatest benefits will come to you through intentional spiritual or sacred acts. A spiritual alignment of Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Scorpio, and Neptune in Pisces in July will focus your mind on actions that contribute to the greater good.



PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Lucky Jupiter in the sensitive water sign of Cancer from June 25, 2013, to July 16, 2014, will intensify your ability to express your creativity. Pay attention to your fantasies and musings, and the images that come to you in your dreams. You will have opportunities to take concrete steps to manifest these visions. Subconscious premonitions hold the key to important insights about actions  you will need to take during the summer season. Listen to you powerful intuition for signals as to what is coming next in your life—and what direction to follow. You are aware of more that is happening around you than the average person. Sharpen your awareness through prayer, contemplation, silence, and meditation. Use the peace you experience through these practices to bring even more positive energy into your energy field. Then, focus your mind so you may use this influx of energy to your highest good.


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