Spring Equinox 2018
The Spring Equinox,
the moment of balance between the light of day and dark of night, arrives
on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.
The days leading up to the Spring Equinox provide an auspicious
opportunity to use affirmations, prayer, and meditation to focus on positive
outcomes you would like to create. As the days grow longer under the nurturing
light of the sun, please focus your increased energy on spreading greater
kindness and love in our world so in need of these healing qualities.
Major shifts in consciousness will begin during this spring season as
change-oriented Uranus, which has been in the potent sign of Aries since
2011, will transition to the more stable and gentle sign of Taurus on May
15, 2018. Innovative Uranus last entered Taurus 83 years ago,
in 1935. Uranus remained in Taurus for 7 years, during the
re-structuring of our financial system and the introduction of Social
Security. Taurus is a sign that deals with money, and under its influence, we
will find new sources of security, both financial and non-financial. Alternative forms of wealth will also be highlighted, including cryptocurrencies and e-bartering systems.
Uranus in Taurus also will slow the pace of technological advances so this
decade's great strides from accelerated evolution can be refined and consolidated. Electronic devices may also periodically slow down
due to the overabundance of information and overuse by consumers. The
deliberate and measured nature of Taurus will use a slower pace to create a
more stable foundation for the integration of electronic devices into our daily
Uranus, the planet that resonates with electricity and technology, has been in
Aries since 2011, the 7-year period when electronic devices became more
ubiquitous--and virtually essential to our daily lives. The fiery and quick
nature of Aries has turned each ping of a device into a call to arms (or
thumbs), creating continuous adrenaline rush for electronics users. The earthy
and slower nature of Taurus will give us time to pause, and reconsider the
benefits--and detriments--of our relationship with electronics. If the pendulum
has swung too far, expect it to swing back.
The planetoid Chiron, which carries the energy of the wounded healer, enters
Aries on April 17, 2018, for the first time since 1977. Chiron in
Aries will help you discover areas in need of healing within yourself, and will
show you the roadmap--if you choose to accept this mission--to your healing.
Chiron will remain in Aries until April 14, 2027. Chiron was last in
Aries from 1968-1977, and was partially responsible for the advent of the
"Me Decade." Previously, Chiron, the wounded healer, was in Aries
from 1918 to 1927.
A beneficial alignment of lucky Jupiter in Scorpio with spiritual
Neptune in Pisces onMay 25, 2018 will heighten
your intuition and make you more aware of the positive power of spiritual
practice. The pull between your inner world and outer activity may intensify,
helping you to develop stronger muscles to reach for what it is that you
want--from the level of your soul.
Keep an open mind and heart!
Many blessings for Love & Light,
Please Read On for Your Personal Predictions for Every Sign!
ARIES (March 21 – April
This is an immensely
creative period for you, but at moments during the spring season, you may feel
as if you are pushing a boulder up a hill. The reason is that the planetoid
Chiron, which
mediates the energy of the mythological “wounded healer,” enters the sign of
Aries on April 17, 2018 for the first time in 50 years. To navigate the energy
of Chiron, the wounded healer, remember that any negativity you may experience
is a perception only, and is not necessarily a true reflection of the beautiful
qualities you possess. If you do discover a negative quality that you would
like to change, the energy of Chiron in Aries will help you transform the lead
of your personality into the gold of your soul. The planetoid Chiron was last
in Aries from 1968 to 1976, which is one of the planetary factors responsible for the “Me Decade.” Under the influence of Chiron in
Aries, people can feel as if they have been repressed or oppressed, and this
leads them to assert their individuality more strongly. Gone to an extreme,
people can feel as if they were victimized in the past and thus deserve more
privileged treatment in the present. Make sure to assert your rights when
deserved, but also be careful to rein yourself in if you feel you may be going
too far or if you are infringing on the rights of others. Both options will be
possible under this celestial influence. Energetic Mars, your planetary ruler,
in earthy Capricorn from March 17 to May 15, 2018 will help you
accomplish your outstanding goals. You will see the big picture when Mars
travels through Aquarius from May 15 to November 15, 2018.
TAURUS (April 20 –
May 20)
Innovative Uranus
enters Taurus on May 15, 2018 for the first time since 1942. Uranus
was last in Taurus from March 27, 1935 to May 14, 1942, and will remain in
Taurus until 2026, except for a brief respite in Aries from November 6,
2018 to March 6, 2019. Under the influence of Uranus in Taurus, your perceptions
of money and physical possessions, will evolve. You may decide to rid yourself
of physical possessions you no longer need or replace worn-out items with
newer, more modern equipment. Uranus is affiliated with electricity, so you may
find yourself upgrading your personal electronic devices, or learning more
about technology! Technological concepts will seem more familiar to you than
they have in the past. Loving Venus in Taurus from March 30 to April 24,
2018 will help you find the objects you need. Communicative Mercury in
Taurus from May 13 to May 29, 2018 will sharpen your mind and your
memory. You will easily establish new patterns!
GEMINI (May 21 –
June 21)
Communicative Mercury, your planetary ruler, is retrograde in Aries from March
22 to April 15, 2018. You will benefit from reviewing the past, rectifying
outstanding problems, and completing projects you previously initiated. Mercury
direct in Aries from April 15 to May 13, 2018 will fire up the
entrepreneurial spirit in you. It’s a good time to try new things. Your
significant relationships are highlighted under the influence of Saturn and
Pluto in Capricorn for the rest of this year. A financial problem could get in
the way of smooth sailing. Check with an experienced financial advisor, or access
the clever aspect of your nature, to find alternative solutions and resources.
Your honest efforts will produce positive results. Innovative Uranus in Taurus,
beginning on May 15, 2018, will help you to discover new outlets for your
creativity, particularly during your quiet, dreamy, or contemplative moments.
An alignment of lucky Jupiter and spiritual Neptune on May 25, 2018 will
help you focus on your spiritual goals. Interesting and potentially helpful
people will enter your life during the spring season. As always, keep an open
CANCER (June 22 – July
A full moon on March 31, 2018 will influence you to connect with home and
family, if for nothing else but to “check in” and make sure your emotional
“security system” is fully functioning. Your support system is still strong and
resilient, but you will benefit from briefly touching base with significant
people to ascertain their well-being and reassure others of your continuing
love and care. You will feel a renewed sense of emotional security after
the next full moon on April 29, 2018, when you will re-discover the
connections that connect you with the important people in your life. Any
misunderstandings will clear up and peace and harmony will reign throughout the
month of May. The full moon of May 29, 2018 will ask a small
compromise of you, but you will gladly do it to preserve the emotional
equilibrium so precious to you. Innovative Uranus in Taurus, beginning on May
15, 2018, will help you establish new friendships with interesting
people. Communicative
Mercury in Cancer from June 12 to 28, 2018 will help you express your
feelings in an effective way.
LEO (July 23 – August
The growing light of the sun after the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2018 will
fuel your journey through the spring and summer seasons. You are
like a plant that grows toward light streaming through a window
and you thrive under the influence of the increased light of the sun. In turn,
you spread this light to others, radiating positive energy, encouragement, and
optimism to the people in your life. Think about the good you can do with your
radiant personality and try to uplift others who may not be able to absorb the
positive energy of the sun as efficiently as you. The path to happiness often
lies in doing good for others, which brings much good
to yourself! Think about what might be needed, ask the recipient of your
warmth, radiance, and generosity if your intuition is correct, and proceed
according to what is requested of you. You have a 6th sense about how to make
others happy—and the happiness you give comes back to you 1,000-fold!
Innovative Uranus in Taurus beginning on May 15, 2018 will open new
business, financial, and professional doorways that had previously been closed.
VIRGO (August 23 –
September 22)
Mercury, planet of
communications, turns retrograde from the perspective of the earth from March
22 to April 15, 2018. This catch-up period will enable you to complete
outstanding projects and reconsider past actions. After the retrograde is
complete, you will go forward from a more stable foundation. Be gentle with
yourself and don’t self-criticize about small details. But if glaring omissions
have occurred, particularly during the last 3 months, this is the time to
rectify the actions that have been previously left unresolved. Loving Venus in
your compatible sign of Taurus from March 30 to April 24, 2018 will
help smooth the relationship dynamics between yourself and people you are close
to. Energetic Mars in the compatible earth sign of Capricorn from March 17
to May 15, 2018 will help you organize any chaotic
situations. Innovative Uranus in Taurus, beginning on May 15, 2018,
will help you re-configure your financial plans to accommodate changing
priorities. You will find a clever way to maximize your resources so you will
increasingly enjoy your life.
LIBRA (September 23
– October 23)
Loving Venus, your
planetary ruler, traverses the peaceful sign of Taurus from March 30 to April
24, 2018. This celestial transit will help you relate to people with whom you
have a deep connection. The sun in your opposing sign of Aries from March 20 to
April 19, 2018 will magnetize people to you whose natures are opposite your
own. You will enjoy the ability to find a point of balance with these
individuals. Venus in Gemini from April 24 to May 19, 2018 will bring
you people who have interesting information to communicate and are easy to get
along with. Venus in Cancer from May 19 to June 13, 2018 will focus
you on home and family. Innovative Uranus in Taurus, beginning on May 15,
2018, could bring money from an unexpected source. Watch for unexpected
expenses, which can be avoided by waiting for costly situations to resolve
themselves. Apparent expenses also may either dissipate with the passage of
time or be covered by unanticipated resources.
SCORPIO (October 24 –
November 21)
When your planetary
co-ruler, Pluto, retrogrades from April 22 until September 30, 2018,
you will have an opportunity to slow down and get in touch with your
feelings. You have the ability to power through even the most challenging
experiences without tipping your emotional hand. But the 5-month annual
retrograde of Pluto always gives you a chance to reflect upon the past. Give
yourself time and space to feel your deep emotions. Innovative Uranus in your
opposing sign of Taurus, beginning on May 15, 2018, will help your
financial attitudes and circumstances evolve. You may find you are less attached
to material possessions than you previously have been. The re-entry of Uranus
into Aries from November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019 will help you catch
your financial breath. Then the passage of Uranus through Taurus from March
6, 2019 to April 25, 2026will give you an opportunity to creatively approach
your financial situation. Your other planetary co-ruler, Mars, turns retrograde
from June 26 to August 27, 2018. This will be another opportunity to
re-consider financial arrangements.
22 – December 21)
An alignment of lucky Jupiter, your planetary ruler, with spiritual Neptune
on May 25, 2018 will strengthen your intuition and support you to
explore your spiritual nature. You will benefit from prayer, meditation, and
positive thinking under this celestial energy. The Sagittarius moon on April 4
and 5, 2018 will help you focus on your objectives and clearly articulate your
ideas. The moon in Sagittarius on May 1 and 2, 2018 will help you
refine a financial plan. The full moon in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018 will
not only help you balance your heart with your mind, it will help you create
greater balance and equality in a significant relationship. Innovative Uranus
in Taurus, beginning on May 15, 2018, will disrupt an established routine,
but will also help you discover a more innovative way of accomplishing routine
(December 22 – January 19)
Energetic Mars traverses the hard-working sign of Capricorn from from March 17 to May 15, 2018. This celestial transit
will help you focus on your highest priorities and bring them to successful
conclusions. Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn will reward you for your hard work
and perseverance. Your will and determination are strong. When you focus on
your positive aims, you will produce positive results. Innovative Uranus in the
compatible earth sign of Taurus, beginning on May 15, 2018, will enhance
your creativity. This also is a good time to focus on your future financial
security. It’s a good time to create a budget and think about changing
priorities. Your awareness of your needs versus your wants will help you make
sensible decisions. Focus on the necessities. Finally, a beneficial alignment
between lucky Jupiter and spiritual Neptune on May 25, 2018 will help
you practice positive thinking.
AQUARIUS (January 20
– February 18)
Your planetary ruler, innovative Uranus, enters Taurus for the first time since
1942 on May 15, 2018. Uranus was last in Taurus from March 27, 1935 to May
14, 1942, and will remain in Taurus until 2026, except for a brief respite in
Aries from November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019. Under its influence, you
will be drawn to new, interesting, and unusual ways of investing your money.
Investments in electronics and technology could go well for you. Cryptocurrencies and other alternative forms of storing
value should not be off the table either. It’s a good time to focus on your
financial security, and perhaps create a new budget that reflects your updated
priorities. You are ahead of your time, so you may have to wait a while for
others to catch up to some of your newfangled ideas.
Energetic Mars in Aquarius from May 15 to November 15, 2018 will help
you state your goals clearly and enable you to gain the support of others to
manifest your worthy ideas. When Mars turns retrograde in Aquarius from June
26 to August 27, 2018, you will refine an idea from the past, and possibly take
some time off from your busy schedule to rest and relax.
PISCES (February 19 –
March 20)
An alignment of
spiritual Neptune, your planetary ruler, with lucky Jupiter on May 25,
2018 will strengthen your intuition and support you to explore your
spiritual nature. Use this fortunate time to explore a normally hidden part of
your nature. You are a multi-layered and deep person. Like the ocean, the calm
surface hides much life underneath. This is a good time to analyze what goes on under the surface of your outer nature. Psychotherapy,
re-birthing, and past life regressions will help to uncover the
less-obvious-but-important concealed parts of your nature. Greater awareness
will empower you. Innovative
Uranus in Taurus, beginning on May 15, 2018, will expose you to new ideas
from close business associates, neighbors,
and siblings. You may slowly assimilate some new information but it will
ultimately have a dynamic impact on the course of your life.