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Spring Equinox 2021


Spring Equinox Greetings!


Dear Ones,

The Spring Equinox arrives on Saturday, March 20, 2021, and marks the moment when the light of day equals the dark of night. A corresponding opportunity exists to find a point of inner balance within yourself and in the outer world. 

The Spring season of 2021 features the movement of lucky Jupiter into the spiritual sign of Pisces on May 13, 2021, a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021, a Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10, 2021, and Mercury Retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22, 2021. A powerful square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius & unconventional Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 portends a continuing rivalry between the old and new. The struggle between the old way and new, experimental, explorations will manifest within governmental, financial, and business structures—and within yourself. The new ideas brought in by Uranus always win in the end. But with the influence of Saturn, the gradual advent of the new takes time for all glitches to be worked out.


Boundaries, and questions of who is inside vs. who is outside each individual's framework of values will be thematic in the coming season. You will be facing the question of what to keep and what to let go of, who to allow into your inner circle, and how close or distant to remain from your family, friends, and community. You will question how much to reveal in your communications with others. It is especially important to question what is true and what is not. Try to consider both sides of a story and the source of your information before coming to a conclusion. 

It also will be important to learn to be creative within limited or confined circumstances. Issues of being confined or limited are currently being caused by the prevailing pandemic. But this feeling of confinement and limitation would still be happening without the pandemic—due to the Saturn-Pluto and Saturn-Jupiter conjunctions in 2020 and the Saturn-Uranus squares in 2021. Under the strong influence of Saturn in Capricorn and Aquarius in 2020 and 2021, the power—or lack of power and efficacy of governmental, corporate, and financial institutions—will continue to be tested. 

Once important lessons are learned, an awe-inspiring expansion will follow. In the meantime, financial markets will gyrate. Innovative medical, cybersecurity, alternative farming, and robotics companies will do well. More traditional companies will do less well. 


Timing also is important under the influence of Saturn. Thus, it will be important throughout the Spring season to use your intuition to know when to move forward and when to wait patiently. If situations are not lining up the way you have envisioned, consider waiting for situations to align in a better way by allowing more time. While it may seem that opportunities will be missed by waiting longer than you would like,  it also means that something better is taking shape!

We're in an ascending age and we are inevitably moving toward a more conscious way of living. It only remains for the shadow of the past to be purified. And then the negativity will be transmuted by the light coming onto the planet.

The energies of the higher age will see us working more cooperatively in independent, smaller groups rather than being subject to monolithic powers wielded by governments or corporations. Individual sovereignty will eventually reign over group-think or herd mentalities that have characterized lower ages, even though these characteristics of lower ages are still being karmically worked out in the collective consciousness at this time. 

We are getting ready to make a collective leap forward and are simply going through a final purification of the lower consciousness of the past, indicated by an imbalance within the human body-mind and between humanity and nature. 

As we purify and bring greater awareness of our interconnectivity and impact upon each other, other creatures, and the physical planet itself, collective health will be restored to the human body and mind, and to the natural world. 



Please read on for your personal predictions for every sign of the Zodiac. 

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)
Work collaboratively with others and collect the information you will need under the transit of Mars in Gemini until April 23, 2021. It also is a good time to catch up on correspondence, reading, and paperwork that has been pushed aside. You will feel more introspective in late April, May, and early June when energetic Mars, your planetary ruler, traverses the sign of  Cancer from April 23 to June 11, 2021. During this time, you will focus your considerable energies on contacting family members and streamlining systems in your home. Mars in Leo beginning on June 11, 2021 will rejuvenate your get-up-and-go. Mercury retrograde from May 29 to June 22, 2021 will call you to create mental order out of disorder—out of the many ideas and concepts you have been exposed to so far this year. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021 could bring an anticipated excursion to an unanticipated location.  The New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will help you discover a positive quality in a neighbor that you previously had not observed. You will relate to each other in a new way. The square alignment of traditional Saturn in the innovative sign of Aquarius and unconventional Uranus in the traditional sign of Taurus on June 14, 2021 may cause some confusion as to the best way to use your financial resources. The question of whether to spend on yourself, others, or to save what you have will be on the forefront of your mind. This will be a time to determine what you truly value.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)
The month of May will be an active time, as you will have just experienced the return of the Sun to the position it was at your birth along with four other important planetary alignments. 1) Loving Venus, your planetary ruler, aligns with lucky Jupiter on May 8, 2021, bringing more love into your life. 2) A lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021 strengthens your financial position. 3) An alignment of Venus and spiritual Neptune on May 27, 2021 opens your mind to a positive spiritual experience. This celestial transit also will heighten your compassion and prompt you to reach out to someone less fortunate than yourself. 4) Mercury Retrograde on May 29, 2021 will enable you to rectify an outstanding matter from the past. It will further turn your attention to the ways in which you expend your personal resources—financial, physical, emotional, and mental. Overall, these planetary alignments will mean that you will be charged with new energy at your birthday and motivated to lovingly reach out to others.  Pay attention this Spring to where you focus your mind—your attention and your thoughts. You have the power to use your positive thoughts to create more favorable circumstances for yourself and the people you love—or to allow negative circumstances to predominate. A square between disciplined Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will enable you to initiate a new direction in your life.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
You will feel especially productive when communicative Mercury, your planetary ruler, aligns with energetic Mars  on March 23, 2021, just 3 days after the energizing Spring Equinox. Use this time to express your opinions in diplomatic and compassionate ways—with the aim of creating a more supportive, healthy world. You will feel especially inspired to make a positive difference when Mercury traverses the fire sign of Aries from April 4 to 19, 2021. The Aries Sun conjoins Mercury in Aries on April 18, 2021, which will be an especially powerful period for your effective communication. Mercury turns retrograde from May 29 to June 22, 2021, making this a good time to review the past and re-evaluate your future directions. For most people, I would say direction, singular, rather than directions, plural. But for you, Gemini, as a native of the Sign of the Twins, I say "directions," because you feel most satisfied and content when you are free to pursue many directions. During the Mercury Retrograde period, Mercury also aligns with Neptune on June 5, 2021, intensifying the sense of confusion or unrealistic ideas that may overtake reality and the common sense of others. Be on the look-out for situations that may seem too good to be true. They may seem too good to be true because they probably are not what they appear to be. 

CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
Your most active period during the Spring season arrives under a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 26, 2021. Other impactful Full Moons include the Libra Full Moon on  March 28, 2021, which initiates a time to focus on relationships, particularly where your career or professional standing are at stake. This Full Moon also signifies the start of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday on March 28, 2021 and culminating in Easter on April 4, 2021, along with the 8 days of Passover from March 27 to April 3, 2021. The next Full Moon is in Scorpio, and  arrives on April 26, 2021. This is traditionally known as the "Buddha Moon," where you have the opportunity to empower your intentions for the coming year. Write down your intentions as you see the light of the Moon appearing in the sky on April 26, 2021. Place a glass of water on top of the piece of paper as you meditate and pray, sending your thoughts and intentions into the glass of water—for a minimum of 20 minutes, the amount of time it takes for the water to fully absorb the power of your thoughts. (Less time will also work to an extent, and more is better.) Then drink the water to infuse your cells with the power of your positive intentions. The next Full Moon is a Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021. This eclipse will resurrect an issue from the Spring of 2002, and enable you to resolve any unresolved feelings on a much higher level. Integrate your new insights into your daily life for greatest emotional calm and tranquility. A new beginning comes at the New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)
You will feel greater energy and power as the days grow longer after the Spring Equinox, under the Aries Sun, from March 20 to April 19, 2021. This is a time to initiate new projects and organize others around you to support your vision. Your new efforts will be stabilized under the Taurus Sun from April 19 to May 20, 2021. You then will have an opportunity to make refinements and change under the Gemini Sun from May 20 to June 20, 2021. Your most productive periods are prior to the Mercury Retrograde on May 29, 2021 and after its completion on June 22, 2021. The Mercury Retrograde period itself is a time of reflection and refinement. The end of Mercury Retrograde on June 22, 2021 falls on the day after the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2021. The Summer season is your best period to shine—when the Sun, your planetary ruler, is highest in the sky. The square alignment between disciplined Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will give you an opportunity to re-sculpt a stubborn part of your nature that tends to repeat similar patterns over and over. Think about what these patterns might be—and consider alternatives. You have the opportunity to make some positive changes to re-configure old patterns at this time. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 will open the way for new friends to enter your sphere of influence. This may mean that friendships that have outlived their useful life may also be coming to a close. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will test what you value in friendships. You may also introspect about your own personal qualities as a friend. You are very generous and magnanimous with the people you love. Ask a close companion if you need any reinforcement of your positive qualities and contributions to their lives.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)
The Spring Equinox initiates a productive period of growth and change for you along with the growing light of the Sun. As the days grow consecutively longer, think about what you would like to do more of in your life. Simultaneously, as the nights become shorter, think about which negative attributes you would like to diminish in your life. The point of balance between day and night at the Spring Equinox brings an important turning point in your year. It is 6 months after your birthday and essentially serves as a fulcrum or culmination point for the first half of your annual birthday cycle. It is as if you are on the top of a mountain looking back at what you have achieved and forward to what you have left to do. Use the retrograde of Mercury from May 29 to June 22, 2021 to re-evaluate where you have been—and where you would like to go. Take action after the retrograde is complete on June 22, 2021. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Mary 26, 2021 will test a new idea you have promoted. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will show you the extent of the success of your efforts. An alignment of disciplined Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will show you where you have to make course corrections to bring your daily life into alignment with the goals of your soul. Meditate on this point in the time leading up to the mid-June alignment for greatest clarity.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 23)
Loving Venus, your planetary ruler, traverses your opposing sign of Aries from March 21, 2021,  the day after the Spring Equinox, until April 14, 2021. This will be a fortunate time to focus on relationships with people who are distinctly different from yourself. Trying to reconcile differences at this time will be challenging but enormously gratifying, when the diplomacy you are so graceful at engenders successful and peaceful conclusions. It's worth a gentle attempt! Venus in loving and stable Taurus from April 14 to May 8, 2021 will provide a more fruitful time to easily create peaceful and harmonious circumstances in your important relationships.  Next, Venus in Gemini from May 8 to June 2, 2021 will bring you into contact with potentially overly-communicative  people,  especially those from your past, while Mercury is retrograde in Gemini from May 29 to June 22, 2021. Venus in Cancer just prior to the Summer Solstice, from June 2 to 26, 2021, will help you focus your energies on your home and close family members. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 could prompt you to re-configure an anticipated excursion. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will give you a new and better idea. The square angle between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will open an opportunity to consider a long-needed change that you have avoided in the past. A new, creative solution is available!

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 21)
Profound Pluto, your planetary ruler, turns retrograde from April 27, 2021 until October 6, 2021. This will be an opportune period to turn within and seek answers to pressing problems. The entrance of philosophical Jupiter into the spiritual sign of Pisces on May 13, 2021 will lend a transcendent quality to your intellectual, mental, and emotional pursuits.  An alignment of the Moon and Pluto on March 23, 2021,  just 3 days after the Spring Equinox, will stir hidden emotions. These feelings may recur under subsequent Moon-Pluto oppositions on April 19, May 17, and June 13, 2021. Watch for deep and previously hidden feelings to emerge on those dates and be prepared to dance gracefully with whatever emerges. An alignment of disciplined Saturn in the mental air sign of Aquarius and innovative Uranus in the methodical earth sign of Taurus on June 14, 2021 will challenge you to re-construct an aspect of your thinking, particularly about your Self. Most profitable will be the kind of deep introspection that only you are capable of!  Summon your courage to take a deep dive and face the shadow within. You are a powerful, transformational soul who has much to gain from this deeply introspective process! Two eclipses on May 26 and June 10, 2021 will sufficiently disrupt the status quo to give you time and space to make your internal adjustments. The retrograde of Mercury from May 29 to June 22, 2021 will further enhance your transformative efforts.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)
Lucky Jupiter, your planetary ruler, is in Aquarius until May 13, 2021, making this an opportune time to expand and solidify your social network. Who is part of your community and who is not? When Jupiter transitions into the spiritual sign of Pisces from May 13 to July 28, 2021, you will be prompted to engage in more spiritual activities. You may need more solitude or contemplative time than usual. Or, you may yearn to be by water or to experience your own personal depths through music or other artistic pursuits. Jupiter will return to the social sign of Aquarius from July 28 to December 28, 2021, when you will have ample opportunity to renew your social contacts. Lucky Jupiter then re-enters Pisces on December 28, 2021, making the first half of 2022 (next year) a good  time to dive deeply into your mind and your spiritual life, either through spiritual study, a contemplative practice, yoga, or meditation. A square alignment between disciplined Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will help you to connect in more innovative and profound ways with your neighbors and siblings. You may find that there are synergies with the people in your immediate environment that will enhance your daily life. This could involve gardening, cooking, or home repair. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26, 2021 will cause you to re-examine your priorities and re-configure a plan to accommodate others. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will make you aware of an unfulfilled need. You will be poised to ask for what you want after the eclipse.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)
Traditional Saturn in Aquarius, your planetary ruler, is aligning with innovative Uranus in Taurus during the Spring season, raising many questions about what to keep—and what to discard. You are in a period of re-evaluation where everything must serve the higher purpose of your soul—otherwise you feel you have no space in your life for the extra time and energy. This is a good time to let go of patterns from the past that no longer serve you. Try to communicate diplomatically with those people and situations from which you are disengaging. It's always better to leave a good feeling behind rather than burn bridges. When the Sun in the compatible earth sign of Taurus aligns with Saturn on May 3, 2021, you will have a breakthrough on a project you have been determined to finish. Your persevering nature will get you far! A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 will inspire your creativity. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will help you streamline your daily routines. This greater efficiency will help you meet your goals more smoothly and efficiently. 

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)
Lucky Jupiter in Aquarius until May 13, 2021, and again from July 28 to December 28, 2021 will help you connect with others in more meaningful, socially-conscious, and pro-active ways. This is an opportune period to bring your progressive ideas to the fore, as others will be receptive to your message. Disciplined Saturn in Aquarius until early 2023 will also enable you to communicate about creative solutions in practical, pertinent ways. You are ready to deal with complex issues in a  realistic, viable manner. This is the time to make your influence felt! A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 will bring you in contact with a new group of friends with whom you may share your innovative ideas—and who will share creative ideas with you! Think carefully about whether you want to adopt a new initiative. There are only so many waking hours in the day! A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 will inspire you to devise yet another unconventional solution. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will inspire you to share an important message with a close friend. An alignment of traditional Saturn in Aquarius with innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will cause an internal struggle between the old and the new. You are good at creating compromises, and ultimately, the new always prompts more growth than the old.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20) 
Lucky Jupiter, your planetary co-ruler, will be in Pisces from May 13 to July 28, 2021, along with spiritual Neptune, your other planetary ruler, which will be in Pisces until 2026. The planetary combination of Jupiter and Neptune will heighten your intuition and enable you to interpret signals that others may miss. Trust your intuition, as it is at its height during this period. Jupiter will return to Pisces (after a brief interlude in Aquarius) from December 28, 2021 to May 10, 2022. Not that you care about being in the spotlight, but if you do, this will will be your time to shine! A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on May 26, 2021 will bring you a new professional prospect. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 10, 2021 will challenge you to bring greater peace, harmony, and stability to your home environment. Mercury Retrograde from May 29 to June 22, 2021 will enable you to slow down, take stock, and devise clever and workable solutions. The square alignment of traditional Saturn in Aquarius with innovative Uranus in Taurus on June 14, 2021 will help you find new ways to communicate your thoughts, desires, values, and wishes. Your thoughts are strong and you will increasingly learn to use the subtle aspects of your nature to manifest the life you want to live! Think clearly about what your future will look like—because you will have the power to create it with your mind!



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