Written December 12, 2024
Astrological Predictions for 2025!
Happy Winter Solstice Merry Christmas
Happy Hanukkah Happy New Year of 2025!
The Winter
Solstice arrives on Saturday, December 21, 2024, and marks the moment when
we celebrate the return of the light of the Sun. As the days become
longer, you too will experience a re-birth of inner spiritual light
that you may use to set your intentions and pray for yourself and our
Create Your Personal Blueprint
It is especially important to set your directional
blueprint for the new year, as the possibilities for growth and change will
abound in 2025. An elaborate symphony of upcoming celestial energies
portend a quickening of life as we know it. These energies will support you
where your intentions are well-aligned with the upcoming planetary energies,
which will be individualistic, innovative, entrepreneurial, inventive,
and even rebellious at times. This is to replace old systems
with new ones that are less structured, less homogenized, and more tailored to
each individual's reality and needs.
Planets Moving Into Fast-paced Fire and Air Signs
This speedy evolution
of Planet Earth is due to the unusual patterns being formed in the sky by four
of the awareness-raising, outer planets that determine the tone and tenor of
human consciousness: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto-all moving
into fire and air signs in 2025. This is more than double the typical
amount of planets moving into new constellations
in one year. Normally, one or maybe two slow-moving outer planets move
into a new sign in an average year. More than double the typical amount in
activating fire and air signs portends a symphony of radical change. These
changes will produce a new rhythm in your daily life.
Fire & Air Sign Energy Come Together
The reason these
planets are so powerful is that Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto circumscribe
the largest orbits around the Sun of any of the known planets in our solar
system, which also encompasses the Earth. Due to the larger size of their
orbits relative to the orbit of the Earth, these slower-moving "outer" planets
will make a profound impact upon our human lives. Additionally, due to
the large circumference of their orbits, the outer planets spend great
lengths of time in each constellation through which they pass. Therefore,
the neutrino stream emanating from each constellation has more time
to exert its strong electromagnetic
pull upon the development of human consciousness-a reflection of the
consciousness in our universe. As above, so below.
Rare Planetary Alignment
Typically, planets orbit through a mix of earth,
water, fire, and air signs. In recent years, the outer planets all have been
in relatively slow-paced earth and water sign. However, in
2025, the four outer planets all will have moved into
fast-paced fire and air signs. This highly unusual planetary phenomenon has not
occurred for thousands of years. If you feel we are already experiencing
rapid changes, this dramatic planetary shift will bring even more accelerated
and radical change to our world.
Planetary orbits around the Sun
This cosmic shift began
on November 19, 2024, when consciousness-raising Pluto moved into the
technologically-oriented air sign of Aquarius from the governmentally-oriented
earth sign of Capricorn, where it had been since 2008. Pluto's movement is at
the core of the changes about to come, while the other outer planets, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune, in fire and air signs, will
support the bold transformation Pluto will render.
Power to the People
Pluto in Aquarius represents "power to the people." Increasingly,
you will have opportunities to self-govern rather than rely on outer
governmental bodies to create just laws or provide support. We already are
seeing the rule of law and ethics breaking down in government, the judiciary,
and corporations. The people will increasingly take matters into their own
hands. Some strong leaders will try to impose controls, but ultimately,
they will not succeed. As I write this forecast, the dictatorial
ruler of Syria fled his country and the people of South Korea rebuffed their
leader's effort to impose martial law and he has been impeached. More of this
kind of resistance will continue around the world. Discord within political
parties will prevail as well. And governments will fall. In recent days [as of late 2024], the Prime Minister of France was toppled by a no-confidence vote and the German Chancellor also lost a confidence vote. [Addendum: Subsequent to the writing of this forecast in late 2024, the Prime Minister of Canada resigned on January 6, 2025, one of the many governments around the world that will dissolve in 2025.]
Revolutionary Times
of Outer Planets Movement into Fire and Air Signs
Here is the timing of the planetary realignments (scroll down for
· Transformational Pluto entered Aquarius (air
sign) - November 19, 2024 - 2044 (20 years)
o Pluto had been in earth sign Capricorn since
· Spiritual Neptune enters Aries (fire sign) -
March 30, 2025 - 2039 (14 years)
o Neptune had been in water sign Pisces since
· Karmic Saturn enters Aries (fire sign) - May
24, 2025 - 2028 (2 1/2 years)
o Saturn had been in water sign Pisces since 2023
· Innovative Uranus enters Gemini (air sign) -
July 7, 2025 - 2033 (8 years)
o Uranus had been in earth sign Taurus since 2018
The changes we
will witness will be multi-leveled, provocative, unique,
and creative as a result of the cosmic symphony in air and
fire. Prepare for a new cadence to your life.
To summarize, karmic
Saturn will be in the action-oriented fire sign of Aries from 2025 to 2028.
Innovative Uranus will be in fleet-footed air sign of Gemini from 2025 to
2033. Spiritual Neptune will be in visionary fire sign of Aries from 2025 to
2039. And transformational Pluto will be in the humanitarian air sign of
Aquarius until 2044. Also note that the water sign of Pisces (where Saturn has
been since 2023, and where Neptune has been since 2011), is the last sign of
the Zodiac. Transcendent Pisces brings the completion of a cycle. Aries, on the
other hand, is the first sign of the Zodiac-providing the impetus for a new
cycle. We are in a time of simultaneous endings and beginnings. We clearly
are leaving behind the old to begin anew.
Numerologically, 2025 is a "9" year, which also signifies a point of completion
to make way for new beginnings. Nine also is a spiritual number and supports an
inner journey of discovery to bring greater advancement to the outer world. In
combination with an unusually large number of influential planets changing
signs in 2025, you will see much progress and transformation taking shape in
2025 is a "9" year (2+0+2+5=9) & Chinese Year of the Snake
The Chinese Year of the
Snake also begins on January 29, 2025. The Snake is known for wisdom,
intuition, metamorphosis, and guile. The year of the snake, therefore, will be
an auspicious time for introspection, self-knowledge, creativity, and growth.
But do try to discern what is truth and what is not. A
mix of both will be on the lips of many corporate and governmental leaders and
in the media.
Fateful Nodes of the
Moon in Pisces and Virgo
In addition, at the
same time as Saturn and Neptune, typically a spiritual planetary alignment,
move from spiritual Pisces to enterprising Aries, the fateful Nodes
of the Moon will move from Aries-Libra to Pisces-Virgo (the
Nodes move backward) from January 11, 2025 to July 26, 2026. This
celestial transition will bring a mix of accelerated spiritual growth in
individualistic ways, generating creative, unique, spiritual
self-expression. Much that has been buried will be revealed under this
influence. An intensified focus on health, health care, and inequities in
the health care system also will come to light. It will be a time of
simplifying, downsizing, and letting go of what you no longer need.
Dissolving the Old
We will continue to see greater momentum in the dissolution of traditional
structures, giving rise to revolutionary potentials for
communication, travel, socializing, and the exchange of
ideas, goods, and services. This will be a result of the
combination of fire and air planets, with a mix of watery energies in the
sky-expansive Jupiter, currently in air sign Gemini, will move into water sign
Cancer from June 10, 2025 to June 30, 2026. The transition of Jupiter from
Gemini to Cancer will slightly shift the collective focus from communications
to home, family, and housing. (scroll down for further
Historical Parallels of Upcoming Planetary Shifts
Here are some examples of what has occurred when the four outer planets
(Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto) last traveled
through Aquarius, Aries, and Gemini:
· Saturn in Aries (2025 - 2028; 1996 -
1999): Rise of the Internet, Google, Amazon
· Uranus in Gemini (2025 - 2033; 1941 -
1949): World War II, Indian & Israeli Independence
· Neptune in Aries (2025 - 2039; 1861
-1875): U.S. Civil War & Reconstruction, Abolishment of Slavery
· Pluto in Aquarius (2023 - 2044; 1777 -
1798): American & French Revolutions, Abolishment of the Monarch, U.S.
Constitution, French Republic established on the foundation of Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite, Discovery of Uranus
As you can see from the
above, a series of world-transforming events occurred each time one of the
influential outer planets traversed a fire or air sign. Many of the issues
prominent under the previous passages have come to the fore again. As we look
through the above list and go through each planetary change, we see the
re-emergence of similar issues.
Planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are farthest from the Sun &
exert the greatest longterm influence
Saturn in Aries
The last passage of Saturn through Aries (1996-1999) brought the rise of the
internet. Now, we are grappling with the boundaries of the internet in
shaping public opinion, influencing children, and the power of artificial
intelligence (AI) to not only replace humans but to infringe upon their
thinking. Imagine the cascade of emerging technology in
coming years that will change the boundaries between humans and
machines, potentially creating a predicted trans-human blend.
Uranus in Gemini
The last passage of Uranus through Gemini (1941-1949) coincided with World War
II, and Israeli and Indian Independence. Similar levels of tensions-and need
for independence- seem to be rising around the globe between Russia, Ukraine,
and the West; Israel and Palestine, Lebanon, and Iran; Sudan; Syria; Myanmar;
and between India and Pakistan over Kashmir, to name a few. Resolving conflicts
over boundaries, control, and power will be at the forefront of global
awareness in 2025. Interestingly, Uranus also was in Gemini from 1858 to 1866,
during the U.S. Civil War, as well as during the American Revolution,
(1774-1781). Uranus in Gemini accelerates the exchange of ideas and expression
of values, which can lead to a jostling for power in the new "order."
Neptune in Aries
The last passage of Neptune through Aries (1861-1875) corresponded to the U.S.
Civil War as well as the abolishment of slavery and Reconstruction. There is
currently a similar level of tension in the United States between the two major
political factions. Perhaps the flashpoint this time will be the status of
immigrants and whether to give legal rights to those who have been working, for
example, picking agricultural crops or caring for children, not as slaves as
was the case in the 1800s, but perhaps as an
underclass with substandard wages, given their crucial contributions. Neptune
in Aries represents the energy to fight for ideals, which will be in evidence
while Neptune travels through Aries from 2025 to 2039. Neptune in Aries also
will bring awareness of "hidden enemies," deception, and a need to
fight invisible forces, such as wireless and satellite technologies.
Pluto in Aquarius
It takes Pluto 248 years to orbit through the zodiacal
wheel. Pluto was last in Aquarius from 1777 to 1798. These were
years when the idealistic goals represented in the U.S.
Constitution, the first blueprint for modern democracy, were formulated.
Interestingly, the validity of this document is being called into question at
this time. There is talk of a new "constitutional
convention." The viability of the U.S. democracy as it currently
stands seems to be hanging in the balance. Concurrently, other ideological
issues of bodily autonomy, taxes, family values, immigration, and the level of
governmental control are up for discussion. An avalanche of adjustments
regarding these issues and others will potentially be made in the next decade
or two.
The U.S. Constitution was Drawn Up During Pluto in Aquarius
The planet Uranus,
which governs electricity, was discovered in 1781, when Pluto was last in
Aquarius. Wireless and satellite communications and other forms of
energy-generation, such as hydrogen fuel cells, will likely supplant
electricity in the next several decades, along with intensified exploration of
outer space, and even the ability to live on other planets, as the well as
revelations of extraterrestrial life on this planet. A breaking of
previously-assumed boundaries will accompany Pluto in Aquarius during the next
20 years.
Technological Tsunami
In addition to political revolutions, there will be a flood of technological
advances in the coming years.
Here are examples of technological phenomena we will experience among many
· Communications coming in many new forms, such
as projected light in the air from computer chips under the skin
· AI making complex computations or
decisions in seconds, maybe even answering your emails and phone calls!
· Personal robots that perform tasks for you,
such as washing your car, doing your laundry, or cooking your dinner
· Computers that provide 3-D images that you can
touch & smell
· Instant shopping via 3D printer
· Person-to-person financial transactions without
the intermediary of a credit card, bank, or payment app
· Flying vehicles that quickly transport you from
place to place
· Long-distance travel in a fraction of the time
through high-speed underground and undersea tunnels
· Colonization of space
· Click here for
more examples of what's to come, as depicted in the 1962 cartoon "The Jetsons" (showing the way the world will look in 100
years from then, in the 2060s)
The Jetsons in their "Spacemobile"
speeding around the cosmos
Last Gasp of the Old
At the last gasp of any era preceding the advent of a new age, conflict is
inevitable between the old and the new, between freedom of expression versus
control and contraction, and between governmental regulation
versus anarchy. Imagine the societal evolution that is possible now, given
the technological capabilities currently accessible that were not previously
available. Hopefully the good uses of our collective technological advances
will outweigh the not-so-good uses. Unfortunately, in this world of dualities,
all periods of accelerated change also bring both light and dark
manifestations. This could manifest as confrontations between people with
differing ideas. Eventually, the light will prevail.
Accelerated Personal
Growth and Evolution
Your ability to make
internal changes will expand as well under these new planetary influences,
depending upon where the planetary patterns fall in your astrological chart.
Even though it's human nature to resist change, you eventually will develop the
ability to flow with the energy waves enveloping the planet. You too will
become more flexible and adaptable. You will make modifications to your
life so you can gracefully cope with the quick-paced level of changeability and
unpredictability in our world.
U.S. Presidential Election
Many of you have asked how the aftermath of the
presidential election in the United States will play out given the planetary
alignments of 2025. As I said in last year's forecast, there would be someone
we didn't expect in the race, which did come to pass. And I said that whomever
was chosen by the electorate would have a hard time keeping their promises.
This is because the planetary environment under which the candidate was elected
(pre-Pluto in Aquarius-Saturn & Neptune in Aries-Uranus in Gemini) will be
so markedly different from the environment during the years when they will
actually govern. This would happen to any leader who would have been
elected in the United States, or any other nation, in the course of Pluto's
sojourn through Aquarius. (Pluto was in Capricorn, a sign of top-down
leadership on November 5, 2024, at the time of the U.S. election; but Pluto
moved into Aquarius just two weeks after the election, on November 19, 2024,
where it will be until 2044.) So, the U.S. election occurred under the
influence of an older consciousness, perhaps giving greater credence to the
power of a single leader rather than that of individuals, who ultimately hold
the greatest sovereignty over themselves.
This is not to say that
progress won't be made. But the movement of the collective consciousness will
be more toward "power to the people" from the bottom-up, rather than toward a
strong leader who governs from the top-down. Therefore, whomever is at the
helm of any country for the next 20 years will be in a position to distribute
more power to the populace. Whether they explicitly do
this or not, the power will gradually filter down to the level of the people,
despite any harsh rules or efforts to the contrary. Notice how many popular
movements already are springing up around the globe. The energy to fuel their
development is only going to grow. Prior to resolution, there can be a
blending of light and dark, so that neither alternative (top-down or bottom-up)
is all good or all bad. Gradually a new homeostasis will be reached at a higher
Collaboration, Creativity, Morale, Engagement
come from Grassroots Efforts
in Relationships
relationships, buried feelings and issues of power and control also will come
to the fore in the coming years. Issues around who sets the tone in the
relationship, who dominates the direction, activities, values, and vision of
the relationship, and who is moving toward greater spirituality and
transcendence versus who is moving toward materiality and worldly activity
will predominate. Each soul will feel at a critical turning point in their own
soul's journey, where expressions of their own individuality is at a critical
stage for their own growth-and survival. Staying in any situation
that stifles personal growth could feel life-threatening.
So, many relationships that were thought to be forever could realign as the
partners themselves follow new trajectories. Staying together for the sake of
appearances may not be an option because the impetus for growth is so strong.
Spiritual Growth is Available
As the old way no
longer works, people will increasingly turn to spirituality to make sense of
and find meaning in their lives. Each individual will find greater significance
in that which is transcendent and universal rather than that which has been
traditionally accepted by society. Greatest benefits will come by turning to
introspection, contemplation, self-analysis, prayer, and meditation.
Fasten your seatbelt for what promises to be a
very interesting and unique new year of 2025!
If you would like to
consult your astrological chart for the new year of 2025 to find
greater meaning in the changes you may be experiencing, or if you would like to
purchase a gift card for a loved one, please feel free to contact me at: Laurie@LaurieBaum.com.
All the best wishes for
a blessed holiday season and a peaceful, creative, fulfilling new year of 2025!
Love & Light,
Read your personalized astrological
predictions for every sign!
ARIES (March 21 - April
Your new year may get off to a slow start as your planetary ruler, Mars, is in
retrograde motion, from December 6, 2024 to February 23, 2025. This will be a
time to review the past and make appropriate course corrections. The direct
motion of Mars, beginning on February 23, 2025, will quickly catapult you
forward on your life path. Next, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on
March 29, 2025, will enable you to resolve an issue you last experienced in
2006. You will gain new information to consider to view the past from a
different perspective. The next day, spiritual Neptune enters Aries on March
30, 2025, for the first time since the Civil War. This will signal the
beginning of an exciting spiritual journey in your life. Neptune will be in
Aries until 2039. Used properly, the energy of Neptune can initiate a highly
creative, flowing, transcendent period for you. Used less well, this energy can
lead to a desire to evade the humdrum responsibilities of daily life and can
lead to escapism or other addictive behaviors. Be prepared to let go of
the old and welcome in the new under the Neptunian influence. Also, try to
use the imaginative energy of Neptune to visualize great resolutions of the
past and new beginnings for the future. Rather than cling to the past, let go
of old expectations and set your sight on new opportunities. The spotlight will
be on you as communicative Mercury travels through Aries from March 3 to 29,
2025, and again from April 16 to May 10, 2025. This includes Mercury Retrograde
from March 15 to April 7, 2025. Disciplined Saturn in Aries from May 24 to
September 1, 2025 will be an opportunity to reign in areas of your life that
have gone to excess.
TAURUS (April 20 -
May 20)
You will have an
opportunity to put the finishing touches on any progress you are planning while
innovative Uranus, which has been in Taurus since 2018, transitions from Taurus
to Gemini on July 7, 2025. This will be a time to welcome lifestyle changes
that will bring you closer to your soul's purpose. Uranus will temporarily
return to Taurus so you can put the finishing touches on your innovative plans,
from November 8, 2025 to April 25, 2026. Embrace alterations in your
life direction that look to be for your highest good. You will
experience greater peace, stability, and clarity in your life after the
transit of Uranus through Taurus completes in April 2026! Until then, continue
to modify areas of your life that are holding you back from expressing your
true authenticity, your creativity, and the highest version of yourself. You
will have a chance to rectify relationships from the past when loving Venus,
your planetary ruler, retrogrades from March 1 to April 12, 2025. Use this time
to reconnect with people with whom there may be a misunderstanding or
unresolved issue. This is a time to listen to an alternative viewpoint and try
to understand. You also may use this time to reconnect with a loved one you
have fallen out of touch with. Lucky Jupiter in Gemini until June 9, 2025 will
strengthen your good fortune, especially where finances and investments are
concerned. It's safer than usual to take on a reasonable amount of risk at this
time, once you have confirmed the details and facts. Your prospects are
particularly good while Venus travels through Taurus from June 6 to July 4,
GEMINI (May 21 - June
Your new year will get
off to a positive start with lucky Jupiter in Gemini until June 9, 2025. This
will be a time to initiate new ideas and relationships. Your attention will
turn to your finances after June, as you seek to find new resources to support your
innovative creative ideas. Plan carefully and realistically for the best
results. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025, could derail a previous
plan. Use this time to closely examine details you may have missed. As a
result, you will discover a way to move forward successfully. A Solar Eclipse
in Aries on March 29, 2025, will help you initiate a new direction in
collaboration with others. The synthesis of diverse ideas will give you a
powerfully helpful insight. A series of eclipses on September 7 and 21, 2025,
will provide further new insights to keep you aligned with your higher self.
Pay attention to impulses and intuitions you
gather along the way. They could be guidance from your soul! Critical periods
occur for you throughout the year when Mercury is retrograde: March 15-April 7,
2025; July 18-August 11, 2025; and November 9-29, 2025. Innovative Uranus also
enters Gemini for the first time since 1942 on July 7, 2025. This signifies a
time of accelerated technological advances in communications, commerce, and
travel. You too will experience a "quickening" in your own life. Take a step
back to evaluate what is important and what is not so important, so you may
retain an equilibrated sense of balance and poise to avoid becoming overwhelmed
by all of the inevitable activity that you will be attracted to-and will be
attracted to you.
CANCER (June 22 -
July 22)
Your most powerful moments in 2025 come under the influence of a
series of eclipses in March and September 2025. There will be a Lunar Eclipse
in Virgo on March 14, 2025; a Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025; a
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 7, 2025; and a Solar Eclipse in Virgo on
September 21, 2025. These will be dynamic moments when cosmic currents will
support you to make necessary changes, including letting go of what no longer
works from the past and welcoming in new attitudes and patterns that will
support you in the future. The March 2025 eclipses will support your forthright
communication. And the September eclipses will support a positive realignment
of family interrelationships. Energetic Mars will be in Cancer from January 6
to April 17, 2025. This is an especially productive time for you. But be aware
that part of that time, Mars will be retrograde, meaning that you will best
served by resolving issues from the past-from January 6 until Mars turns direct
on February 23, 2025. It will be best for you to initiate new projects after
Mars resumes its direct motion in Cancer from February 23 to April17, 2025. The Cancer New Moon on June 25, 2025, also
is another powerful point in your year. This also will be a moment to take
action on any plans or projects that you have conceptualized under the lunar
and solar eclipses of March 2025.
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
With profound and
transformative Pluto in your opposite sign of Aquarius until 2044, you are
entering a period in your life when you will easily attract and embrace
relationships with people who have the potential to transform your life. While
it sounds enchanting to be "transformed," you may find your transformation to
be a bit of an alchemical process where the hard or stuck places in yourself
(we all have them!) feel as if they are under high heat and pressure to be liquified before re-forming into a higher state, such as
happens in the alchemical process of transforming lead into gold. Ultimately,
you are going to a better state. So try not to resist if you are lucky enough
to encounter a challenging experience or profound, insightful, or perceptive
companion who can bring you a transformative experience. A high degree of
growth is potentially available to you in the coming decade or two. Meanwhile,
as you examine your life and look for areas in need of transformation, use the
energy provided by energetic Mars in Leo from April 17 to June 17, 2025, to
support your forward progress. You also will be helped by the movement of
disciplined Saturn into the compatible fire sign of Aries from May 24, 2025 to
September 1, 2025, and again from February 13, 2026 to April 12, 2028. Finally,
spiritual Neptune in the compatible fire sign of Aries from March 30, 2025 to
October 22, 2025, and again from January 26, 2026 to March 23, 2039, will
stimulate your imagination, enabling you to express your creativity in new and
imaginative ways. The dissolving energy of Neptune also will dissolve
unproductive bonds and attachments to free you to pursue what is most
supportive of your current level of growth and evolution. Take advantage of any
new-found freedom to delve into new experiences!
VIRGO (August 23 -
September 22)
With disciplined
Saturn and spiritual Neptune in your opposite sign of Pisces for much of 2025,
you may feel as if the safest refuge for your sensitive nervous system is in
spiritual practice. Take heart, this spiritually rigorous planetary combination
is moving into Aries, giving you a break from the rigors of exacting and
demanding Saturn in Pisces since 2023, and the soft-focus of Neptune in Pisces
since 2011. You will see the reality of your own life more clearly and in a
more positive light when Neptune moves into Aries on March 30, 2025 and Saturn
moves into Aries on May 24, 2025. (Saturn will return to Pisces from
September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026, when it will move fully into Aries
until April 12, 2028. Concurrently, Neptune will briefly travel back to
Pisces from October 22, 2025, to January 26, 2026. Then, Neptune will be
in Aries for nearly 14 years-until 2039.) As Saturn and Neptune transition out
of Pisces and into Aries, you will feel finally ready to let go of what no
longer works from your past and ready to embrace a new future. Do be aware that
three Mercury Retrograde periods in 2025 will help you review the past and help
you renew your commitment to what is most viable in your life. Mercury Retrogrades
occur on March 15-April 7, 2025; July 18-August 11, 2025; and November
9-29, 2025. Finally, a series of eclipses under the Virgo Sun on September 7
and 21, 2025, will spell a turning point in an area of your life that you have
been overly focused on in the past. As you let go of attachments, the wisdom of
releasing will help you embark upon new, positive
actions. Think about and visualize the directions you would like to go!
LIBRA (September 23 -
October 23)
Your altruistic urges
will be strong at the beginning of 2025 as loving Venus, your planetary ruler,
begins the year in the communally-oriented sign of Aquarius and moves into the
spiritual sign of Pisces from January 2 to February 4, 2025. You will have an
opportunity to resolve a relationship from the past when Venus turns retrograde
from March 1 to April 12, 2025. You will have further impetus to address and
resolve any relationship disharmony when Saturn and Neptune move into your
opposite sign of Aries-Neptune moves into Aries on March 30, 2025,
and disciplined Saturn moves into Aries on May 24, 2025. Saturn will
strengthen your ability to diplomatically
address any disharmonies in relationships to bring greater resolution. Saturn
will be in Aries until September 1, 2025, and then will return to Aries
again from February 13, 2026 to April 12, 2028. Neptune will enter Aries in 2025 for the first time since the Civil
War. This celestial transit signals the advent of more spiritually-oriented
relationships in your life. Neptune briefly travels back to Pisces from October
22, 2025, to January 26, 2026, following which Neptune will be in Aries
for 13 more years--until 2039. The New Moon in Libra on October 21, 2025,
will mark a pivotal moment where you will feel empowered to let go of what no
longer works so you may welcome in new influences, especially new friends and
new relationships.
SCORPIO (October 24
- November 21)
Profound Pluto,
your planetary ruler, in Aquarius until 2044, will open the way for you to
experiment with egalitarian, humanitarian, and communal concepts and
activities. This is your time to experience brotherly love in action. Your
greatest growth at this time will come from allowing previous boundaries and
rules to fall away so you may embrace a more expansive view of life. While you
tend to be a highly focused person, you will make space to experiment with new
and untried experiences. People and situations you have not previously expected
may end up coming into your life during this 20-year period. It's helpful to
expect the unexpected when your planetary ruler transitions through the
electrically-charged Sign of Aquarius. Additionally, the transition of
disciplined Saturn and spiritual Neptune from watery Pisces to fiery Aries in
2025 also means that you too will feel a sharper edge to your thoughts and
activities. You will feel a jolt of energy to tackle new projects when
energetic Mars opposes Pluto on January 2 and April 26, 2025. You also will be
ready to initiate new ideas and activities under the New Moon in
Scorpio on November 25, 2025. This is the time to open your heart and mind
to experiences you never thought you'd have!
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 21)
Expansive Jupiter, your
planetary ruler, begins the year in your opposite sign of Gemini, the sign of
communications. This means that your year will begin with a focus on learning
and dialogue. If you have anything to write or say, this is the time to do it!
Your communicative endeavors will be further supported by Mercury's transit
through Sagittarius from November 2, 2024 to January 8, 2025, including a
period of Mercury Retrograde from November 25 to December 15, 2024. This will
be a period of rethinking and reframing the past. Prepare for more new ideas
and learning opportunities in the first half of 2025, as other planets in our
solar system move into fast-paced air signs. For example, innovative
Uranus moves from the slower-moving earth sign of Taurus to the fast-paced air
sign of Gemini on July 7, 2025. The pace of new ideas and innovations will accelerate
under this influence. When lucky Jupiter transitions from air sign Gemini
to watery Cancer from June 9, 2025 to July 29, 2026, your focus will shift
to home and family, and nurturing the relationships that are important in your
22 - January 19)
Disciplined Saturn,
your planetary ruler, transitions from one zodiacal sign to another
approximately every 2.5 years. Each transition brings a new focus to your life.
The year of 2025 will begin with Saturn in Pisces, where it has been since
March 2023. This has brought issues of boundaries and spirituality, or possibly
addictive behaviors, to your attention. But on May 24, 2025, Saturn will move
into the more focused fire sign of Aries. This will enable you to take more
straightforward and direct action on projects or relationships that may have
become delayed or stuck in the past. While Saturn in Pisces prefers soft edges
and boundariless situations that spill in many
directions, Saturn in Aries prefers hard edges and clear definition. You will
find yourself re-sculpting many situations in your life to fit the Aries model.
Please be aware that Saturn moves back into Pisces from
September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026, when a more
impressionistic view of life may prevail again. But you will be ready to launch
into a more clearly defined period of your life by February 2026, when Saturn
re-enters Aries, until April 12, 2028. Until then, get your ducks in a row for
the goals that are important to you. You will accomplish a lot under the influence
of structured Saturn in Aries.
AQUARIUS (January 20 -
February 18)
Profound Pluto in
Aquarius until 2044 will usher in a new era of evolution in human
consciousness. As an Aquarian, your values embody the direction toward which
humanity is growing. You are a role model who can show others the way to
greater freedom, brotherly love, community spirit, and egalitarianism. In your
own life, you will find ways to bring your own Aquarian ideals into greater
balance if they have gone too far in any one direction or another. The New Moon
in Aquarius on January 29, 2025, represents a turning point in your year, where
you will be able to initiate a new beginning based on an idealistic
perspective. Contemplate where you might like to make a change in your life and
assemble the necessary elements you need to engender forward movement. The
combination of loving Venus in Aquarius from December 7, 2024 to January 2,
2025, the Sun in Aquarius from January 19 to February 18, 2025,
and communicative Mercury in Aquarius from January 28 to February 14,
2025, will help you make progress in the area upon which you focus your
attention. Innovative Uranus, your planetary ruler, moves from the
slower-moving earth sign of Taurus to the fast-paced air sign of Gemini
from July 7, 2025 to November 8, 2025, and again from April 25, 2026 to
May 22, 2033. These will be years of accelerated learning and communications
for you.
PISCES (February 19
- March 20)
The karmic North
Node of the Moon enters Pisces on January 11, 2025, and will shift the world's
focus from futile warfare onto more spiritual solutions to the world's woes.
You will be a role model whom others can follow during this period, especially
in situations where there may at times be tension between the old ways and the
new. On a personal level, you may also be prompted to let go of a more
materialistic attitude or activity to focus on a more spiritual or transcendent
approach. This is the time to rely on the power of your thoughts and prayers
above any unproductive material actions. Saturn in Pisces until May 24, 2025
and again from September 1, 2025 to February 13, 2026, will give you the energy
to bring greater structure to amorphous or nebulous situations. A powerful time
in your upcoming year arrives under the Pisces New Moon on February 28, 2025.
This will be an auspicious moment to initiate a new beginning, whether it be
initiating a new habit, activity, or attitude. Prepare for a sudden change of
plans under the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025. A New Moon
Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025, will then help you restore balance to
an imbalanced situation. Another series of eclipses on September 7 and 21,
2025, will help you see a quixotic situation from a new point of view that will
give you a more well-rounded approach.
opposite Pluto - Resolve disharmony from the past
JANUARY 11: Nodes of
the Moon enter Pisces & Virgo - Focus on spirituality & health
JANUARY 30: Uranus Direct in Taurus - Make important financial
FEBRUARY 4: Jupiter
Direct in Gemini - Move forward on delayed communication
Direct in Cancer - Take action to create harmonious home situation
MARCH 1: Venus
Retrograde in Aries-Pisces - Peacefully
resolve relationship issues from the past until Venus Retrograde completes
on April 13, 2025
MARCH 14: Full Moon
Total Eclipse - Manifest ideas you conceived of in September 2024
& March 2006; Visible in North & South America, Europe, Asia,
Australia, Arctic, Antarctica, Pacific, Atlantic
MARCH 15: Mercury
Retrograde in Aries-Pisces - Complete
the old and get ready to start the new when the retrograde completes on April
7, 2025
MARCH 20: Spring
Equinox - Stand up for your vision
of the future!
MARCH 29: New Moon
Partial Eclipse - Complete projects you started in March 2006 and July
2023 - December 2024; Visible in North America, Northern South America, Europe,
North Asia, Northwest Africa, Arctic, Atlantic
MARCH 30: Neptune
enters Aries - Fight for your ideals
APRIL 7: Mercury
Direct - Untangle tangled communications and resolve misunderstandings
APRIL 13: Venus
Direct - Get ready to meet new people
APRIL 21-23: North
Node of the Moon conjunction Saturn - Face limitation and find ways to
surmount them; Let go of what you no longer need
APRIL 26: Mars
opposite Pluto - Anger rises to the surface
MAY 4: Pluto
Retrograde in Aquarius - Reconsider past political positions
MAY 25: Saturn enters Aries - Take action where it has been delayed,
but respect limits
JUNE 9: Jupiter
enters Cancer - Focus on home & familly
15: Jupiter Square Saturn - An
element of the old way no longer works; it's time to take a new approach
JUNE 19: Jupiter
square Neptune - Your intuition is
JUNE 20: Summer
Solstice - Enjoy the light at its
JUNE 23: Jupiter inconjunct Pluto - Make appropriate compromises to
achieve forward movement
JULY 4: Neptune
Retrograde in Aries-Pisces - Contemplate ideals from the past
JULY 7: Uranus
enters Gemini - Technological communications abilities accelerate
JULY 13: Saturn
retrograde in Aries-Pisces - When all else fails, engage in spiritual
practice & take refuge in your connection with the Divine
JULY 18: Mercury
retrograde in Leo - Pull back when ego issues become too prominent
until the retrograde completes on August 11, 2025
AUGUST 11: Mercury
Direct in Leo - Assert yourself when appropriate
AUGUST 12: Saturn sextile Uranus - Balance between the old & new
AUGUST 24: Jupiter semisquare Uranus - Rein in excess
AUGUST 29: Uranus sextile Neptune - Initiate realistic changes only
retrogrades into Pisces - Reconsider an old idea
retrograde in Gemini & Taurus - Be
patient with new ideas
Moon Total Eclipse - Refine ideas you conceived of in September 2024
&/or March 2006; Australia, Asia, Africa & Europe
Moon Partial Eclipse - Let go of what
is no longer working; Visible in South Australia, Antarctica, Pacific,
SEPTEMBER 22: Autumn
Equinox - Find balance between your inner & outer life
OCTOBER 14: Pluto
Direct in Aquarius - Take action on group projects
OCTOBER 22: Neptune
retrogrades into Pisces - Take a break for spiritual activity
NOVEMBER 8: Uranus
retrogrades into Taurus - Financial
issues rise to the fore
NOVEMBER 9: Mercury
Retrograde in Sagittarius & Scorpio - Balance hopes & dreams
with reality until retrograde completes on November 29, 2025
NOVEMBER 11: Jupiter
Retrograde in Cancer - Tend to unresolved issues withhome & family
NOVEMBER 20: Uranus sextile Neptune - Adjust
expectations when you have been unrealistic in the past
NOVEMBER 28: Saturn
Direct in Pisces - Clarify nebulous situations
NOVEMBER 29: Mercury Direct in Scorpio - Take action after period
of delays
DECEMBER 10: Neptune
direct in Pisces - Implement your ideals
DECEMBER 21: Winter
Solstice - Go within to find peace
- OM-