Summer Solstice 2023
The longest day of the year arrives at the Summer Solstice
on June 21st. Your thoughts and prayers are powerful at this time of
bright solar light. And this is a fortunate moment to illuminate and
express your gifts and talents so you too may glow with the light within
and around you. Also take advantage of this special time to set the
foundation for your hopes, dreams, and aspirations for the next season.
Remember to think positively and pray for the highest good of yourself and our
If the change-oriented planetary alignments of the first half of
2023 have left you wondering "what will they think of next?" then use this time
to commit to activities that give you greater grounding and
balance-particularly those traditions that connect you to more inner peace and
spiritual perspectives, such as meditation and prayer.
During the summer season, our collective moral compass will
increasingly point toward more egalitarian and humanitarian ideals.
Greater potentials of the mind and the mind-body connection also will be
explored. On the whole, humanity is breaking the boundaries of what previously
had been considered limitations. This is being facilitated by the shift of
Saturn into Pisces, Pluto into Aquarius, and on July 17, 2023, a transition of
the karmic nodes of the Moon into Aries & Libra. These astrological
changes, along with rapidly evolving technologies, will engender an even
greater exchange of ideas around the world-and beyond this world. This will
lead to a greater urge for freedom for all.
The summer season also portends even more revelations of those elements of
society that have been hidden, particularly in government, banking and
financial markets, the judicial system, and educational institutions. This is
due to the completion of the passage of Pluto through Capricorn (2023-24) and
the movement of Pluto, the planet that rules collective ambitions, into
Aquarius (2023-24). The revelations exposed under the influence of Pluto in
Capricorn and Aquarius are an invitation to reform systems that are unable to
accommodate an increasingly mobile and communicative society.
Relationships also will be reevaluated during this period, particularly to
determine whether each parties' values are aligned with values of the other. In
this period of accelerated growth and change, you will feel increasingly drawn
to your "ideological/spiritual tribe." Having a group of mutually
supportive others will definitely assist you.
Ultimately, this is a time of letting go of that which no longer works. It
is a time of honoring and embracing the elements of every moment that you would
like to take forward with you into your future. You will begin to have a better
sense of how you can shape your own future as the summer unfolds.
Read ahead for astrological highlights of the summer season. And if you would
like more understanding of how these astrological changes affect you
personally, feel free to contact me at:
I am happy to help!
Wishing You LOVE &
LIGHT in the Summer Season,
Astrological highlights of the summer season include:
* Summer Solstice - June 21, 2023 - A new chapter begins, invigorated by the
Sun's solar power.
* Nodes of the Moon move from Taurus & Scorpio to Aries & Libra - July
17, 2023 - New energies will help you create new connections and directions and
help you let go of those that no longer work.
* Venus Retrograde in Leo - July 23 - September 3, 2023 - You will
reconnect with relationships from the past & reconsider relationships
in the present to bond with people who are part of your ideological tribe.
* Pluto Squares the Nodes of the Moon - July 23 - 28, 2023 - Let go of
activities and directions that no longer support your upward
evolution; you may need to deeply introspect to determine right action.
* Mercury Retrograde in Virgo - August 23 - September 15, 2023 -
Reevaluate your pending projects, activities, and attitudes to create new goals
and priorities.
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
The spotlight will be on you at the Summer Solstice as your planetary ruler,
Mars, traverses the dynamic sign of Leo until July 10, 2023. Make bold moves,
have fun, and enjoy being the center of attention under this celestial energy.
In mid-July, your focus will naturally turn toward refining the administrative
details of your life. You will have good success with responding to overlooked
emails and text messages, as well as with updating passwords or other clerical
tasks that may have fallen by the wayside. The karmic Nodes of the Moon
transition into Aries & Libra on July 17, 2023. This will reawaken issues
you last experienced at the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20, 2023.
If you feel like you are becoming overly emotional or overly attached to an
outcome, try to step back and see the big picture. There will be a number of
possible outcomes that will be positive for you. The one you may have fixed in
your mind may not ultimately be of the highest good for you-so consider
alternatives. Contemplate an unlimited spectrum of possibilities!
* Your most fortunate days are under the Aries Moon on July 8, 9, 10; August 5,
6; September 1, 2
TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
Lucky Jupiter in Taurus from May 16, 2023 to May 25, 2024 will
guide and protect you and lead you to experiences that are for your highest
good during this once-every-12-year celestial period of good fortune. With
innovative and change-oriented Uranus in Taurus as well, situations may become
more erratic than usual. But the outcome will ultimately produce favorable
results under the beneficial influence of Jupiter in Taurus. The movement
of the karmic Nodes of the Moon out of Taurus and Scorpio, and into Aries and
Libra on July 17, 2023, will take the pressure off of you. You may feel as if
you have been overly focused on a particular situation, or area of your
life, during the last year. You will have the opportunity to step back and
pursue a new direction starting in mid-July. This also will be time to
revisit the past and re-evaluate and resolve outstanding relationship issues
under the influence of loving Venus, your planetary ruler, retrograde in Leo
from July 22 to September 3, 2023. Use this time to mend fences and to practice
forgiveness in relationships that may have gone off-track during the last
several years.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Taurus Moon on July
11, 12; August 7, 8; September 3, 4
GEMINI (May 21 - June 21)
The Summer Solstice encompasses your fortuitous 52-day solar
period that begins on your birthday. This is a buoyant time when you will be
able to initiate new ideas and implement new plans. Think about what are your
most important goals-and get to work on putting them into action during the
summer season! Mentally-quick Mercury, your planetary ruler, travels through
the sign of Gemini from June 11 to June 27, 2023. This is an intellectually
active time when your new ideas may be flying faster than the speed of light
through your mind. Take notes as new ideas occur to you so you may implement
your novel ideas at a later time, possibly when lucky Jupiter enters Gemini
next year. In the meantime, it's smooth sailing for you until Mercury
retrogrades from July 23 to September 15, 2023. Take the initiative on your new
ideas any time prior to mid-July. In the meantime, line up the members of your
personal "team" of supporters. They also will be enthusiastic about encouraging
your positive plans!
* Your most fortunate days are under the Gemini Moon on July 13,
14; August 9, 10; September 5, 6, 7
CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
Your Cancer birthday will arrive within minutes, days or
weeks of the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2023. Enjoy this fortuitous period
when your positive plans will easily fall into place. Whether it's a home
improvement project, a family gathering, or a daring recipe, good fortune is on
your side during the auspicious 52-day solar period after your birthday. With
transformative Pluto in your opposing sign of Capricorn throughout the summer
season, you will have the opportunity to transform something that has been
hidden under the surface into something of value, just as the alchemists
converted lead into gold. Do a searching inventory of your life to see what
latent talents or information you possess that can be successfully brought out
into the light of day. A shift in the Nodes of the Moon into Aries and Libra on
July 17, 2023 will bring a greater focus to your work life-and issues of
productivity. Inevitably, you will learn to do something that you did
methodically in the past in a more efficient way.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Cancer Moon on July
15, 16 17 (New Moon); August 12, 13; September 8, 9
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Love, creativity, and romance will be on the top of your mind as
loving Venus spends an uncharacteristic 4 months in the Sign of the Lion, from
June 5 to October 8, 2023. Loving Venus typically spends 1 month in each of the
12 signs of the zodiac. But due to its retrograde from July 22 to September 3,
2023, it will spend 4 times longer than usual in the regal sign of Leo. When
Venus moves directly on September 3, you will have an opportunity to express
your creative, dramatic, magnanimous, and romantic nature. This also will be a
good time for wise financial investments. During the retrograde period, make
sure to connect with people from your past and resolve any outstanding
differences. But be conservative in your financial investment decisions and
expenditures during the retrograde. The Sun in Leo from July 22 to August 23,
2023 will support your dramatic and creative self-expression and your
passionate nature. The summer season is a good time to shine your radiant light
on the people you love. Mars in Leo from May 20 to July 10, 2023, and Mercury
in Leo from July 11 to 28, 2023, will also help you express the sentiments in
your heart.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Leo Moon on June 21 (Summer
Solstice); July 18, 19; August 14, 15, 16 (New Moon); September 10, 11
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
Your most productive and creative periods during the summer
season will be supported by communicative Mercury, your planetary ruler, in Gemini
from June 11 to June 27, 2023 and Mercury in Virgo from July 28 to October
4, 2023. Energetic Mars in Virgo will further support your creative and
mentally-challenging endeavors from July 10 to August 27, 2023. You will
receive even more positive energy from the Sun in Virgo from August 23 to
September 22, 2023. Use this time to get ahead in your ongoing projects and
responsibilities. Once Mercury Retrogrades from August 23 to September 15,
2023, slow down, reconsider the past, and make course corrections. Your
birthday during the last week of August or first 3 weeks of September will
initiate a fortuitous 52-day period in which your positive plans will
gracefully fall into place. Your professional and financial affairs will most
efficiently align themselves after mid-September! Use your noteworthy mental
powers to explore both the big picture and the details.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Virgo Moon on June
23, 24, 25; July 20, 21, 22; August 17, 18; September 13, 14 (New Moon)
LIBRA (September 23 - October 23)
The longer days after the Summer Solstice will give you the
energy to accomplish your cherished goals. The summer season is a time of
completion for you as you prepare for your next birthday at the Autumn Equinox.
The movement of the Nodes of the Moon into Aries and Libra on July 17, 2023
will shift your focus from building relationships to letting go of those
associations that are holding you back and may have outlived their useful life.
It is a time to seek connections that will stimulate your vitality, energy, and
enthusiasm for new endeavors in your life! The retrograde of loving Venus, your
planetary ruler, in Leo from July 22 to September 3, 2023 will give you an
opportunity to make peace with your past, to learn lessons from old
relationships, and look forward to new alliances. You will encounter new energy
for profound and transformative relationships after your upcoming birthday!
Mars in Libra from August 27 to October 11, 2023, will also help you initiate
new connections.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Libra Moon on June 26,
27; July 23, 24; August 19, 20; September 15, 16, 17
SCORPIO (October 24 - November 21)
This is a fortunate season for deepening your relationships
under the opportune influence of lucky Jupiter in your opposing sign of Taurus
throughout the year. This also is a good time to study a subject that interests
you, particularly if it involves a connection with Mother Earth, through
gardening, hiking in nature, or another environmentally-friendly cause. Loving
Venus in Leo from June 5 to October 8, 2023 could bring up some power
struggles in relationships for the influential Sign of the Scorpion. Set a good
example and try to rise above the fray. Your best bet for avoiding confusion is
to keep your focus on the goals that are really important to you! Mercury
Retrograde in Virgo from August 23 to September 15, 2023 will give you an
opportunity to rectify some outstanding details. Once you feel the small facets
of an endeavor are under control, you will feel more comfortable proceeding
with overseeing the big picture of ongoing projects with a clear mind.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Scorpio Moon on June
28, 29; July 25, 26, 27; August 22, 23; September 18, 19
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
Lucky Jupiter, your planetary ruler, in the methodical sign of
Taurus throughout the year will bring a practical flavor to all of your
endeavors. You also will benefit from refining the details of your daily
routines so they best support you! With energetic Mars in Virgo from July
10 to August 27, 2023 will also support you to delve more deeply into the
smaller matters that help your life unfold in a coherent pattern. The movement
of the karmic Nodes of the Moon from Taurus and Scorpio to Aries and Libra on
July 17, 2023, will help you focus on your creativity. While you may feel you
are living more in the background right now than you might prefer, you are
setting a positive example that will have a profound impact on others and will
uplift their consciousness.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Sagittarius Moon on June
30; July 1, 28, 29; August 24, 25; September 20, 21
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
When the Sun enters the sign of Cancer at the Summer Solstice
on June 21, 2023, you will have an opportunity to relax and let others pick up
the responsibilities where you have left off. You are always the responsible
one and the Summer Solstice Sun will support you to unwind and let others carry
the burden for a while. This also is a good time to connect with people who
care about you, with whom you have fallen out of contact. Venus in Leo
from June 5 to October 8, 2023 will support the process of re-connection
with loved ones from the past, especially when Venus is retrograde from July
22 to September 3, 2023. This period will help you to tie up loose threads.
Transformative Pluto in Capricorn from June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024 will
give you an opportunity to deepen your relationship to yourself through
introspection. Your introspective efforts will give you greater self-knowledge
that will enable you to deepen your relationships with the people you care
* Your most fortunate days are under the Capricorn Moon on
July 2, 3 (Full Moon). 29, 30, 31; August 26, 27; September 22, 23, 24
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Your planetary ruler, Uranus, in Taurus throughout the summer
season, will open your mind to new ways of dealing with your earthly and
material responsibilities. This is a good time to try to rectify a practical,
logistical problem in your life. Venus in your opposing sign of Leo
from June 5 to October 8, 2023 will give you an opportunity to interact
with the people you love in positive and productive ways. While loving Venus is
retrograde from July 22 to September 3, 2023, try to connect with at least one person
from your past with whom you have fallen out of touch. Reconnecting with an old
friend and resolving any outstanding issues will fortify you. The Full Moon in
Aquarius on August 1, 2023 will help create forward movement in your life.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Aquarius Moon on July 4,
5; August 1 (Full Moon), 2, 28, 29; September 25
PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
Interacting with people who add a finishing touch to your
life will be highlighted during the summer season. This will be supported by a
collection of planets in your opposing sign of Virgo, beginning in
mid-July. Energetic Mars in Virgo will give you energy to work with a team
to tackle a neglected project. Mars will be in Virgo from July 10 to August 27,
2023. Communicative Mercury in Virgo from July 28 to October 4, 2023 will
help you work with others to concentrate on the details of a subject you are
studying. And the Sun in Virgo from August 23 to September 22, 2023 will
bring out the social side of your nature. You are now entering the mid-point of
your solar year, also known as your half-birthday. Use this time to review
where you have been-and where you are going. Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from
August 23 to September 15, 2023 will give you an opportunity to slow down,
reconsider the past, and make course corrections.
* Your most fortunate days are under the Pisces Moon on July
6, 7; August 3, 4; August 30 (Full Moon), 31; September 26, 27, 28