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"Laurie is a dependable voice of reason. Her guidance is insightful, grounded, and professional. Laurie's ability to focus and advise in a clear, concise manner helps us more easily understand our circumstances, particularly financial. She puts our minds at rest. Her intuition and astrological acumen are important, deeply appreciated, and grounded in practical reality. I feel fortunate to have Laurie's kindness and guidance in my life. She provides an essential service during this tumultuous time!"

- John Zeravich, Non-Force Chiropractor, San Rafael, California

"Laurie's astrological predictions speak to your soul. These are not ordinary predictions, but give glimpses into larger forces at work in your life. The insights in this book will shine light on your path, whether your question is about finances, business, health, or relationships. If you are seeking spiritual, emotional, or psychological guidance, this book not only comforts your heart but gives much inner strength at the most important times in your life and serves as a guiding light for
your soul to fulfill its purpose."

- Nalini Sabapathy, Lorenzo De' Medici Institute, Florence, Italy

“Laurie’s predictions are stunningly accurate. Over time, you will see the potentials she outlines gradually take shape in your life even if you cannot see the patterns initially. By reading her advice, you will open your thinking to greater possibilities, you will gain greater meaning in the lessons of your life, and you will attract the abundance destined for you.

“Laurie’s teachings have become my spiritual guidance. Her knowledge and perception of our souls gives all of us an awakening call and a chance for change. I often read her astrology report for my sign and am able to capture myself for positive transformation. Her precious gift is ours through her words.”

- Silvia Ichar, Publisher, PARA TODOS Magazine

“ Laurie Baum has a gift. More importantly, she has a message that must be heard. Her gift is not only a ‘New Age’ understanding of the literal universe, it is also bridging a communication gap that appeared so vast until now. Astrological Secrets for the New Millennium will re-define core beliefs.
Laurie Baum is solid gold!”

- Tony Trupiano, The Tony Trupiano Show, featured nationwide on Talk America Radio

“Laurie conveyed warmth, compassion, and a deep understanding of my emotions after I went through a severe heartbreak over the ending of a long and loving relationship. She helped me figure out what to do next to get over the relationship and validated what I already knew. Laurie also brought clarity to perceptions I vaguely intuited. A series of astrology readings helped me make decisions more quickly because Laurie put so many intangible insights into kind, loving, and caring words.”

“Laurie helped me more in one hour than therapists have over an extended period of time. Thank you so very much, Laurie, for your work.”
- Deborah Lee Certier, Librarian/School Teacher, Livingston, Montana”

- Kim Hiatt, Professor of Psychology, Southwestern College, San Diego, California

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