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Autumn Equinox 2021

Autumn Equinox Greetings!


The Autumn Equinox arrives on Wednesday, September 22, just a day after the Harvest Moon, which is the Full Moon closest to the Autumn Equinox. The Autumn Equinox gives us a moment of perfect balance between the light of day and the dark of night. The nights become longer after the Autumn Equinox-until the Winter Solstice on December 21, when the days become longer again.

This moment of perfect balance gives you an opportunity to take a break from any busyness to see where you may be out of balance-between time spent giving to others versus taking care of yourself, between your spiritual life and your worldly activities, between your time spent with others and time alone, or time thinking of the past or the future rather than breathing into the present moment.

This season will be charged with many fiery, activating planetary alignments, including a dynamic line-up of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021; Mercury retrograde in Libra from September 27 to October 18, 2021; a Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio on November 19, 2021; and a total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021. 



This year culminates with a globally-transforming alignment of Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021. This is the third and final of three powerful alignments of Saturn (structure, tradition) and Uranus (innovation, upheaval, technological change, evolution). The Saturn-Uranus alignment  is the planetary pressure responsible for the polarization between forces of change and tradition, those who trust government and those who would prefer to dismantle it, technological versus human-to-human interactions, and tensions between political groups. The Saturn-Uranus line-up is also reflected on a personal level in potentially heightened interpersonal friction.

You may find many new priorities and relationship configurations evolving under this celestial constellation.  The life-changing planetary alignment of Saturn and Uranus happens once every 44 years. The last time this occurred was in 1977, when Jimmy Carter was president, Apple Computer was incorporated, the first personal computers were put to use, the first version of "Star Wars" was released, there were riots over police treatment of ethnic minorities, the Supreme Court ruled that states did not have to spend Medicaid funds to pay for elective abortions, and weather patterns were extreme.  

First Apple Computer

The upcoming Saturn-Uranus alignment will resolve on a higher level many of the issues raised to global awareness 44 years ago. The implications of Saturn and Uranus when they come together in the sky are widespread, transformational, and long-lasting. The alignment of Saturn and Uranus can bring about dramatic changes in relationships, family systems, governments, corporate and business structures, and societal norms. 

It is not possible to go back to the "way it used to be" after Saturn and Uranus align in the sky. It can be disorienting to watch long-held beliefs and sources of security crumble away. Yet, it is always true that something better emerges to replace what has been dismantled. Know that your life-and our world-are going on an upward evolutionary path, despite appearances  to the contrary.

Just look at the technological evolution-and revolution-that has occurred due to the pandemic-Zoom meetings around the globe that enable the cross-pollination of cultures and ideas, remote work, computerized consumerism with all of the innovations and new sources of employment this involves. Not to mention all of the grassroots businesses that have sprung up in neighborhoods around the world, supplying everything from local home cooking and delivery to at-home gardening and other innovations. There also are more outdoor yoga and exercise classes, pop-up children's activities, and increased volunteerism.




All are evidence of the resilience of the human spirit-and potential better ways of living. Although the lockdowns imposed limitations on movement and schooling for children, the restrictions also afforded people the opportunity to withdraw from hectic outer activity to go within and connect with their higher selves and their souls. That precious time served to enhance many people's spiritual lives in incalculable ways that could not have happened otherwise. Some children even reported pursuing hobbies they could not have normally pursued while they were keeping up with their hectic school schedules. Personally, I used the pandemic time to study ancient astrological techniques and create a hydroponic garden. (see garden below)


In this world of  duality, even situations that appear to be "bad" from the current vantage point eventually produce positive-and valuable-outcomes.

On an even more metaphysical level, our planet is facing the evolutionary challenge of moving into a higher dimension of consciousness-from 3rd dimensional reality (where individuals principally perceive reality from a concrete, physical, material perspective) into the 4th dimension (where the energy of thoughts and feelings is perceived as playing a greater role in sculpting reality).

While the 3rd dimension deals with the here-and-now, hard, material world  that we all can see-and-hear face-to-face, the 4th dimension relies upon the intangible contents of the inner heart and mind and the realm of thoughts, feelings, visualizations, prayers, affirmations, and higher aspirations. 


Much of the discord blanketing the Earth is due to the friction created by the transition between these two viable dimensions of reality-between those who believe in tangible, concrete solutions to the world's problems-and those who believe that thoughts and feelings are the key solutions to healing the world's ills. The solution, naturally, is the marriage of both dimensions-because neither can exist without the other. Both the 3rd and 4th dimensions are part of a greater continuum of higher and higher dimensions of consciousness leading to the Source.

While there is no doubt that people praying and meditating helps the planet, there also is no doubt that we need people to build the homes to accommodate everyone-and create a sustainable infrastructure for their lives. Both are part of the interconnected weave of life.

If a person whose consciousness is principally in the 3rd dimension is standing on a balcony overlooking a valley with a mountain in the background, he or she may think about the balcony and wonder how stable it is-a viable and important question! Meanwhile, a person whose consciousness is principally in the 4th dimension standing on the same balcony may give no thought to the solidity of the balcony and may instead stare at the mountain in the distance, wondering what lies beyond. Again, both perspectives are valid-but neither is complete without the other!


As consciousness rises, so too will the realization of how crucial it is to join together to create the better world we want to replace the old patterns of living that ultimately will not be as sustainable as they once were. 

The eclipses of the autumn season also will bring powerful new events to the complex situations already present on earth. These complexities will eventually facilitate a coming together of opposites to resolve any pressing problems. Each "side" will eventually have experiences that will help them understand the point of view of the other. This will enable all sides to eventually come together peacefully to create solutions with fewer obstacles.

The November 19, 2021 partial Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus and Scorpio will bring greater financial tensions to the fore.  Even if financial markets appear to be thriving, deeper debts and deficits are lurking under the surface. This lunar eclipse will be visible in the late evening and early morning hours in North & South America, Western Europe, Asia and Australia. The total New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021 will raise philosophical questions about the direction our world is going and will either further awaken or dampen the patriotic feelings of the populace-and potentially increase disillusionment with the system as it currently stands. This solar eclipse will be visible in South America, Southern Australia, and South Africa. 



If you have further questions about how this year's eclipses and Saturn-Uranus square will affect your personal astrological chart, feel free to get in touch for a personal consultation at

In the meantime, continue to imagine and visualize the world you would like to live in as we move closer to the 4th dimension-and take concrete actions and forward steps to fortify your prayers, affirmations, and visualizations.  The combination of both approaches will strengthen your 3rd & 4th dimensional energies! You have them both! And both will be important aspects of the world that is evolving around us!


Many blessings for love & light,




ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
The Autumn Equinox will open the way for you to express your considerable energy in support of a cause you believe in. An alignment of Mars, your planetary ruler, and the Sun, Moon, and Mercury in on October 6, 2021, with innovative Uranus in Taurus, will also prompt you to question the power dynamics in a partnership that is based on mutual emotional and/or financial security. Assess whether the relationship provides the support you need-and whether you also provide the support necessary to keep the relationship in equilibrium. Once your relationship dynamics come into balance, you will be able to create a host of new and productive working relationships. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will make you aware of a latent aspect of your nature. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will awaken memories from childhood that will help you better understand the totality of your life's journey. Mercury retrograde from September 27 to October 18, 2021 will help you clearly rethink a long-held relationship pattern.

TAURUS (April 20 - May 20)
The Autumn Equinox will give you a chance to re-calibrate the power dynamics in an most important relationships to bring you greater peace and harmony. Loving Venus, your planetary ruler, passes through your opposing sign of Scorpio until October 7, 2021. This is an excellent time to bring balance into out-of-balance partnerships, especially where one is doing all of the giving and the other is doing all of the receiving. Mercury retrograde from September 27 to October 18, 2021 also will give you a chance to rectify your daily routines and your budget. Make sure you're basing your budgetary decisions upon the realistic energetic and financial resources available. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will prompt you to assert your needs in a gentle, creative way that will help you satisfy your desires. Make a list of your priorities and of what you would like to accomplish, along with strategies necessary to meet your goals. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will help you see a hidden truth. Prepare yourself to bravely and confidently process new information. Venus retrograde in Capricorn starting on December 19, 2021 will open your mind to a new philosophy or approach to life-one that is less attached to old patterns and attitudes. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will give you the tools to make necessary changes.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 21)
You will have a chance to review and rectify communications from the past under the influence of communicative Mercury, your planetary ruler, retrograde from September 27 to October 18, 2021. This will be a chance to connect with people you have fallen out of touch with during the summer season. You also will have the opportunity to catch up on written and verbal communications. This includes emails, texts, letters, documents, and phone calls. The process of completing unfinished business will feel satisfying to you. It is easy for you to become distracted because so many aspects of this world are of interest to you. The Autumn Equinox will give you a moment to slow down, gain perspective, and focus on what is important. A partial Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will help you get in touch with a long-forgotten dream. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will rekindle a connection with an acquaintance. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will give you the impetus to follow through on a spiritual promise you made to yourself.

CANCER (June 22 - July 22)
The Harvest Moon just before the Autumn Equinox on September 22, 2021 will heighten your creativity. You have been dreaming about doing something special and you will have the impetus to implement the creative solutions in your heart during the fall season. The Full Moon on October 20, 2021 will show you a potential new pathway to manifest your cherished goal. And the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will bring a new person into your life to help you manifest your cherished idea. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will then inspire you to get a new start. Making a small change to a simple routine will help you gain the perspective and motivation you need. You only need to change a repetitive pattern to a small degree to gain the momentum you require. Give it a try! The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will help you see how a childhood pattern may be holding you back from manifesting your more mature goals. Prayer and affirmation along with strong determination will help you let go of this no-longer-useful pattern.

LEO (July 23 - August 22)
When the Sun reaches its point of equilibrium at the Autumn Equinox, you will feel a sense of contentment and balance within yourself. Review all of the things you have to be grateful for-especially from the first 9 months of the year, and affirm what you would like to manifest  in the remaining 3 months of 2021. Expansive Jupiter and disciplined Saturn in your opposing sign of Aquarius for the rest of 2021 will help you find ways to express your creative and magnanimous nature in concrete ways. It is time to manifest something tangible, whether it be a garden, baked goods, a work of art, or a relationship with a child or someone less fortunate. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will bring some creative tension to a professional endeavor; but remember, a little friction can produce heat and light, all of which can lead you to a higher level of evolution. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will help you communicate an important concept in a way that someone who's been resistant will be able to understand. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will challenge you to stand up for your beliefs. Make sure you are fully informed before you defend your position. And then impress others with the depth of your knowledge and passion.

VIRGO (August 23 - September 22)
The autumn season initiates an auspicious 52-day "solar period" for you, which corresponds with the 52 days after your birthday, considered the most energized and positive period of your year. Set your sights high and begin to put new plans into action. You will have the greatest momentum just before Mercury, the communications planet, turns retrograde on September 27, 2021. Your momentum will resume with force after Mercury turns direct again on October 18, 2021. An alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021 will help you find a new approach to your finances. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will help you become clear about what is truly worthwhile. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will test your values to make sure your commitments are strong. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will help to solidify your commitments so you will see a clear path forward to realize your goals. If you happen to feel confusion now, you will know exactly what to do once the new year arrives!

LIBRA (September 23 - October 23)
Your focus will be on bringing equality to an unbalanced relationship during the autumn season. An alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021 will raise your awareness of the power dynamics in this important relationship. You may find that one of the partners is angling for the upper hand rather than treating each partner as an equal. The best strategy to avoid conflict is to calmly express what you do want rather than what you do not want. Taking a positive approach will help.  Once the relationship dynamics come into balance, you will have the harmony you desire. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will make you aware of someone who may be a bit envious of your gifts. Try to reassure this person that you always support their highest good-so they won't feel threatened. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will point out an area of your life that has gone to excess. You will have the opportunity to pull in the reins where you have become over-extended. An auspicious 52-day "solar period" begins for you at your Libra birthday, just after the Autumn Equinox on September 22, 2021. This is the best time of the year to plant new seeds and create the situations you would like to prevail in your life during the upcoming year.

SCORPIO (October 24 - November 21)
You may temporarily experience friction in an important relationship while loving Venus and energetic Mars are in "mutual reception"  from  September 15 to October 7, 2021. Mutual reception occurs when two planets occupy the "ruling sign" of the other. Venus rules Libra and Mars rules Scorpio. From September 15 to October 7, 2021, Venus will be in Scorpio and Mars will be in Libra. Under this celestial influence, you may feel like a rebel without a cause, or as if you are digging too deeply into the incompatible places in your important relationships. All dissonant relations will begin to return to coherence after Venus transitions into the optimistic sign of Sagittarius on October 7, 2021. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse-with the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Taurus-occurs on November 19, 2021. Being in the final days of the Sun's passage through Scorpio, this eclipse could challenge the direction of an important strategy you are pursuing. For greater guidance on how to resolve any incongruous  plans, refer back to what you were thinking 19 years ago, in 2002, when a similar lunar eclipse occurred, A New Moon Solar Eclipse on December 4, 2021 will cause you to reconfigure a financial game plan. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will cause you to question whether it's time for you to narrow your focus to tradition or expand your future vision to something less conventional. Ultimately, the best course is to err on the side of innovation and change-within traditional boundaries. You will feel greater clarity in the new year of 2022 through 2023.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 - December 21)
You will attract many caring people into your life who will assist you in the future during the fall season. This is because loving Venus in Sagittarius from October 7 to November 5, 2021 will increase your magnetism-and bring helpful people to you. Your positive thoughts and visualizations will be powerful! Mars in Sagittarius from December 13, 2021 to January 24, 2021 will strengthen your energy and fortify your resolve. An alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021 will help you engage in a work project with a friend. This situation will be a short-term, mutually convenient agreement rather than a long-term arrangement. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will re-awaken an issue you last dealt with in November 2002. Think back to that time to resolve outstanding issues on a higher level. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021 will help you express your exuberant, positive nature in an unconventional way. The focus for the rest of December will be on home and family rather than on outward activities. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will help you dot the i's and cross the t's on an important project. It's a time to bring resolution so you may complete the old before initiating the new. 

CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19)
Money will come to you during the fall season-but so will expenses. It's a time to balance your budget, assess priorities, and put your energy where it matters most to you. An alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021 will reflect positively on your reputation and help you make a change you have been contemplating. Mercury retrograde from September 27 to October 18, 2021 may create delays and slow down a project.  But the delays will bring positive improvements to your outlook about your efforts. All will run smoothly by late October. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will help you find a creative solution to a long-standing enigma. Ask a trusted friend for their advice to gain a perspective you had not previously considered. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021 may leave you feeling dreamy, so give yourself some extra time to rest and relax. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will enable you to find a positive, workable solution to a financial impasse.

AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 18)
Mercury retrograde in the compatible air sign of Libra from September 27 to October 18, 2021 will help you find a positive solution to a situation that has been stalemated in the past. An alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021 will support you to move forward-albeit with caution-on a renovation or project in your office or your home. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will challenge a long-held belief about the path you should follow. You will soon discover a new goal that you would prefer to pursue. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021 will rekindle an old friendship. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will help you establish a new approach to your domestic life.

PISCES (February 19 - March 20)
An alignment of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars in Libra with change-oriented Uranus in Taurus on October 6, 2021 will help you uncover hidden information about a sibling or neighbor. This new information will enhance your understanding of a previously incomprehensible facet of this individual. The new awareness will calm your nervous system as your comprehension increases. After Mercury retrograde completes on October 18, 2021, you will be able to put your new insights to work, either by helping an individual to realize his or her potential-or by readjusting your approach to better suit your own lifestyle. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on November 19, 2021 will help you disengage from an entangled situation and enable you to set better boundaries. The New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021 will help you shift your perspective and enable you to adjust your approach to the way you meet the world. You have much compassion and love to share-but you also have realistic responsibilities and commitments that you have to balance. The upcoming square between traditional Saturn in Aquarius and innovative Uranus in Taurus on December 24, 2021 will  help you learn something new from a teacher or an individual who has a soulful heart and much wisdom to share!




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