Spring Equinox 2020
Spring Equinox Greetings!
March 18, 2020
Many blessings
to you all for a healthy spring season!
God willing, you all are safe and filled with vitality. I send you all
of my heartfelt wishes for good health & happiness!
I write this astrological newsletter with some solemnity as we are in
the midst of a global health crisis that at the moment appears to be
careening past imaginable boundaries. Yet, there is much to learn and
grow from as a global family during these times. Just notice how many
people are coming together (despite the isolation) to help each other,
pray for each other, and even sing together from their windows and
balconies in Italy! (Speaking of Italy, some of you have asked about
how my close friends in Italia are doing-all are healthy and safe. But
some are going a bit stir-crazy with the drastic restrictions that have
forced them to remain indoors. They are allowed to go outside for
groceries, medical supplies, and to walk their dogs. My dog-less friends
have talked about buying one of the fake dogs offered online so they
can leave the house to walk it.)
In my 2020 Forecast in December, I talked about precarious global
financial conditions and a period of contraction followed by the
rebirth of a new way. I said: "The Saturn-Pluto
Conjunction in Capricorn in 2020 will test the solidity of the
financial system once again...The astrological alignments of 2020
presage the ending of the old way to make space for the new, the
innovative, and the experimental." This is certainly rapidly
becoming the case!
40 Days & 40 Nights
Many have asked how long the current global crisis brought on by the
spread of the corona virus will last? Planetary
alignments suggest a continued deepening and transformative period
throughout the month of April with a respite from some of the travel
restrictions, limitations on activities, and individuals' isolation
likely in May. The 40-day-plus recess from the normal pace of frenetic
activity will give Planet Earth an interlude of spiritual purification
and transformation-it is time for a global rest & reset. Any
potential relapse will likely be much milder.
Biblical symbolism related to great turning points in human history
often revolve around the number 40. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights
after Noah built his ark (Genesis 7:1-4); Moses spent 40 days on Mount
Sinai receiving the 10 Commandments (Exodus 24:18); Jesus fasted and
was tempted by Satan in the wilderness for 40 days (Luke 4:1-13,
Matthew 4:1-11); and Jesus returned to Earth for 40 days after his
resurrection. Forty weeks is the normal gestation period for a new
We are in a period of death and re-birth-going through a ritual
purification (the flood) and building a new way of life as did
Noah, receiving new directions from our inner selves as did
Moses, going through a symbolic period in the wilderness as
did Jesus-and preparing for a resurrection.
Astrological Indicators:
New Moon in Aries & Taurus--March 24 & April 22
Astrological alignments portend a calming of the current crest of the
crisis at least one lunar cycle after the Aries New Moon on March
24-the Aries New Moon on March 24 coincides with a powerful conjunction
of Mars and Jupiter, Mars and Pluto, Mars and Saturn, and Jupiter and
Pluto, all in Capricorn, along with the movement of Saturn from
Capricorn to Aquarius on March 21, 2020. The Spring Equinox
arrives on March 19/20. A lot of pent-up energy will be dispersed in
late March and April due to these planetary alignments. The Taurus New
Moon on April 22 (Earth Day) will begin a new cycle.
Corona (Crown)
Significant symbolism also pervades the public face of the current
health crisis. Corona means crown in Latin. At the
time of the pivotal Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn on January
12, 2020 (which will influence the whole year of 2020), the Sun,
Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto-all planets having to do with the exercise of
power, were in the authoritative, government-oriented sign of
Capricorn. Mars joins the line-up in Capricorn until March 30. The
crown is associated with power, which is one of the trademarks of the
sign of Capricorn. The Moon at the time of the rare Saturn-Pluto
planetary conjunction was in Leo, symbolizing the king-who also
literally wears a crown (corona). While the threat of the virus
is real, issues of power over the masses by a global quarantine
(seemingly warranted, of course) should also be on the radar screen. It
would not hurt to be vigilant about any over-extension of governmental
authority and power.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunctions
The last time Saturn and Pluto came together as they are in
2020 was in late 1982, when the AIDS virus was discovered. Its
discovery led to a transformation of human sexual norms and new social
rules evolved. It looks like the corona virus is having
a similar impact on social conventions and practices as new social
"rules" are quickly evolving.
Roman God Cronos
Finally, the planet Saturn, which rules the constellation of Capricorn,
was known as Cronos in Roman myth. Cronos is
the god of time. Cronos has an eerie resonance with
the word corona virus. The virus is having a subtle
influence over our collective perception of time. The global slowdown
caused by international restrictions on travel and the shutdown of most
public gatherings has given us more time to slow down to be
with ourselves and to be ourselves. It
may be easier for some people to experience their thoughts and
feelings, and catch up on ways they have been over-scheduled or
over-planned during this interlude. Electronic devices have created a
deceptive sense of time as we can do multiple tasks simultaneously at lightening speed-but our minds and bodies may not
be processing all that is passing by our fingertips. The evolving
global quarantine is giving many people time to take a collective deep
breath. Ultimately, we will better appreciate what's truly
important-good health! And we will be better for having gone through
this interlude together.
Capricorn Planets
Please note that the many planets in Capricorn will bring issues of government,
power, control, limitations, and boundaries to the fore at this time.
Fiery Mars will be in Capricorn until March 30, Jupiter will be in
Capricorn until December 19, Saturn will be in Capricorn until March 21
and again from July 1 to December 16, and Pluto will be in Capricorn
until 2024.
Greek God Pan
As we now watch the unfolding of a global pandemic,
please note that Pan is the Greek god of shepherds and
musicians. He is correlated with Capricorn. The word panic also
comes from Pan-Capricorn. So please resist the urge to panic
in unknown circumstances. We are all in this together-and we will all
help each other get through it. Along with keeping the herd together,
Pan also was a musician who invented the panpipe, which was
thought to have magical powers. So don't forget the lyrical, poetic,
and even magical side of life during this interiorized
time. The panpipe is also considered a hypnotic instrument, so please
also be aware to not be hypnotized by the drumbeat of the times-whether
it inspires excess fear or a run on supplies at the grocery store.
Stay in Good Spirits
Please take care of your health and stay in good spirits. Use this time
to slow down, look within for strength, inner peace, and calm. Reflect,
pray, meditate, and make course corrections. Try not to overly worry,
and instead strive for positive actions! Please let us all pray for the
thousands who have been affected by the virus and for the
alleviation of their suffering and the suffering of their loved ones.
And let us all continue to pray for good health and vitality for all!
With many prayers and good wishes for love & light,
Please Read on
for Your Astrological Predictions for the Spring Season!
ARIES (March 21 -
April 19)
Your energy will be at a peak when Mars conjoins enthusiastic Jupiter
just after the Spring Equinox on March 20, 2020. When Mars conjoins
profound Pluto on March 22-23, 2020, you will be able to put your
metaphorical rams' horns down and get to the bottom of a matter that
has been perplexing you for as long as 2 years. Resolution is coming!
Your planetary ruler, Mars, is in the disciplined sign of Capricorn
until March 30, 2020. This will give you the opportunity to complete
tasks that have been left unfinished from the beginning of the year. It
also is a time to set proper boundaries and observe practical
limitations. Get your house in order and prepare to extend your
beneficence and generosity to others when Mars enters Aquarius, the
sign of brotherly love on March 30, 2020. Your focus will then shift
from your career and reputation to your friendships. Concentrate
on your social life and pursue the causes that you believe in under
this celestial influence. Your desire to help others will further grow
under the influence of Mars in Pisces from May 12 to June 27, 2020. Use
these humanitarian energies to establish firm foundations for your
positive contributions to the world. Your attention on your work
and other responsibilities in the world will come back into focus late
in the summer and fall. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5-6, 2020
will reveal a surprising piece of news that will cause a temporary
detour in established plans. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 20-21,
2020 will re-focus your energies on your home, family, and new
(April 20 - May 20)
Venus, your planetary ruler, will help you harmonize with others as it
travels through the peaceful earth sign of Taurus until April 3, 2020.
Others will provide you with the positive support you need to
accomplish your goals. A collection of powerful planets in the
compatible earth sign of Capricorn-lucky Jupiter, disciplined Saturn,
and profound Pluto-will give you new ideas to initiate during the
Spring season. Plus, innovative Uranus in Taurus will help you make
important changes. The early part of 2020 will help you establish firm
foundations for your future plans. A conjunction of Uranus with
the Taurus Moon on March 26, 2020, will help you make important
changes. Uranus in Taurus will help you re-sculpt habitual patterns to
create more evolved ways of doing things. This is a time to experiment
with change because nothing transforms you more than the process of
change. You have an opportunity to grow by breaking out of rigid
routines, attitudes, and life patterns.The
conjunction of fortunate Jupiter and profound Pluto in Capricorn on
April 5, 2020will help you find an outlet for a hidden talent. A
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5-6, 2020 will help you discover a
valuable financial resource. And a New Moon Solar Eclipse on June
20-21, 2020 will help you discover a new avenue of communications. Your
planetary ruler, loving Venus, in Gemini from April 3 to August 7, 2020
will open your mind to new concepts and ways of doing things. Before saying
"no," say "let me think about it." Then, truly consider the new
direction. Also note that Venus, your planetary ruler, is retrograde in
Gemini from May 12 to June 24, 2020. This will be a time to reconnect
with loved ones from the past.
GEMINI (May 21
- June 21)
The Spring
season will open your heart as loving Venus spends an
uncharacteristically long 4 months in Gemini-from April 3 to
August 7, 2020. This is due to the retrograde of Venus in Gemini from
May 12 to June 24, 2020. Venus normally spends about one month in each
sign-so you will experience a quadruple dose of Venus energy this
spring and summer. Expect people from your past to return to touch
base. Use this time to make contact, catch up, and say all of the
things you wanted to say in the past but did not express. You have an
opportunity to bring clarity to unclear relationships from the past
under Venus retrograde energy. Try to be as candid, clear, and honest
as possible about what you were feeling. Your planetary ruler, Mercury,
in Aries from April 10-28, 2020, will help you inspire others to
embrace your ideas or other new concepts that are important to you.
This will be the time to make your influence felt. People born under
the sign of Sagittarius, the sign opposite Gemini, will be good sources
of inspiration for you! The conjunction of fortunate Jupiter and
profound Pluto in Capricorn on April 5, 2020 will help you introspect
about new strategies for meeting your emotional and financial
needs. In addition, Mercury Retrograde from June 17 to July 12,
2020, will enable you to relax and revisit and rectify your past. Set
the record straight whenever possible. And make sure past
misunderstandings are resolved from everyone's points of view. A
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on June 5-6, 2020 will bring a new
and influential person into your life. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on
June 20-21, 2020 will provide a new financial perspective.
(June 22 - July 22)
The Spring season will get off to an energetic start under the
influence of a New Moon in the fire sign of Aries on March 24, 2020.
This will be a day to get a lot done! The New Moon squares Pluto on
March 25, 2020, bringing deeply-held feelings to the surface. A
conjunction of the Taurus Moon and Uranus on March 26, 2020 may cause you
to modify a plan due to a new emotional perspective. A square of
the Taurus Moon to Saturn on the same day will cause a push-pull
between the past and the future. Ultimately, the future direction
will prevail. But you will be able to postpone action on this new
direction until the end of this year, when expansive Jupiter and
structured Saturn conjoin in the sign of Aquarius on December 21,
2020. Saturn in your opposing sign of Capricorn until March 21 and
from July 1 to December 16, 2020 will bring a capable, focused person
into your sphere of influence. This person will help you complete a
project you have left unfinished. You have done the majority of the
work needed, and this additional support will help you bring an
important aspect of your life to completion. The Cancer Moon on March
31-April 1, April 27-29, and May 24-26, 2020 will nostalgically draw
your sentiments toward the past. However, the overriding planetary
patterns of 2020 will draw you to a new and better future! A Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on June 5-6, 2020 will strengthen your
intuition-pay attention to your premonitions. And a New Moon Solar
Eclipse on June 20-21 will help you refine a habitual pattern so you
may express the most evolved side of your nature.
LEO (July 23 -
August 22)
Your planetary ruler, the Sun, becomes a more potent force in your life
during the Spring season as the light of the Sun overtakes the dark of
the night. Your increased energy reserves will focus your mind on how
to reorganize and restructure key areas of your life, including
relationships, work projects, and finances. If there is a way to
streamline your daily routines, this is the time to do it! A
conjunction of lucky Jupiter in Capricorn with transformative Plutoon April 5, 2020 will help you make much-needed
and profound changes to your diet, schedules, cleaning regimen, and
organization of your personal belongings. Ask a Capricorn to give you
support in reorganizing a disorganized area of your life. Karmic Saturn
enters your opposing sign of Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020.
This is a good time to take a class or study a new subject. You will
feel highly focused and disciplined under this celestial influence.
Best relationship days are under the Leo Moon on April 2-3, April 30,
and May 27-28. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5-6, 2020 will spark a
creative idea. You will be able to put your new idea into effect with
the help of a friend. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 20-21, 2020 will
help you get in touch with a talent developed earlier in your life-or
even a prior incarnation.
(August 23 - September 22)
You will be ready to initiate a new project at the Spring Equinox on
March 19, 2020. The positive support of Mars in the compatible earth
sign of Capricorn until March 30, 2020 will help you build momentum for
positive changes. Further planetary support comes from lucky Jupiter,
disciplined Saturn, and profound Pluto, all in the ambitious earth sign
of Capricorn. Innovative Uranus in the supportive earth sign of Taurus
also will fuel your journey into new and unexplored territory. Don't
give up-you will eventually gain mastery, and be able to head toward a
state of perfection that inspires you. You will experience a
second burst of energy for streamlining and making more efficient an
ongoing project when fortunate Jupiter conjoins transformative Pluto on
April 5, 2020. You function best when your environment is peaceful,
organized, and clean. You will be able to get to the root of a
disruptive influence at this time. Mars in your opposing sign of Pisces
fromMay 12 to June 27, 2020 will give you
increased energy to focus on important relationships and will supply
the necessary people and materials to accomplish your goals. Make sure
to spend some time in meditation and prayer to connect with the
magnetic power of your soul. Your magnetic power will amplify your
auric field and will help you naturally attract the things you need to
get to your next step. The Moon in Virgo on April 5, 2020 will help you
make the most of the fortunate Jupiter-Pluto conjunction on the same
day. You will receive further celestial support from the Virgo Moon on
May 2-3, May 29, and June 30, 2020.
(September 23 - October 23)
Karmic Saturn in the compatible air sign of Aquarius from March 21 to
July 1, 2020 will give you a chance to to
focus on the fine details of a creative project. A conjunction of lucky
Jupiter and profound Pluto in Capricorn on April 5, 2020 will help you
focus on the administrative side of your life. Straightening out
paperwork, rectifying a credit card balance, or streamlining financial
accounts will be productive endeavors at this time. Your planetary
ruler, loving Venus, in the compatible air sign ofGemini
from April 3 to August 7, 2020 will help you connect with people who
have valuable information for you. The new knowledge may spur some
short-distance travel. You will feel positive support from the Full
Moon in Libra April 7, 2020. This will be an energetic high point for
you. Please note that during the retrograde of Venus in Gemini from May
12 to June 24, 2020, you will attract to yourself relationships from
the past. Use this time to re-connect and catch up, but please don't
become mired in past problems. Planetary energies are introducing you
to many new influences that have the potential to deeply transform you
in a positive way. Overall, Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn are
influencing you to transform the foundations of your life to integrate
your truest and deepest feelings into daily communications. Greater
authenticity and candor will metamorphose your relationships to a
deeper level of truth and intimacy. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June
5-6, 2020 will disrupt a long-distance travel plan. A New Moon Solar
Eclipse on June 20-21, 2020 will make you aware of a new work opportunity.
(October 24 - November 21)
You will feel a rush of positive energy that will help you accomplish
your goals when fortunate Jupiter conjoins Pluto, your planetary ruler,
on April 5, 2020. Plutonian energy seeks to explore what is hidden beneath
the surface. Jupiter expands this urge. The Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
in Capricorn on April 5, 2020 and again on June 30 and November 20,
2020 will emphasize the urgency of excavating beneath the surface of
habitual attitudes to discover hidden motivations and agendas. While
Jupiter and Pluto are in Capricorn, these discoveries will lead you to
transform the underlying systems and structures of your life. This
could include everything from the way you plan your daily appointments
and routines, to the way you organize your calendar or conduct your
business. Something in the structures of your life is about to shift.
You will have extra energy to make significant transformations under
the Scorpio Moon on April 8-9, May 6-7, and June 2-3, 2020. Your
planetary ruler, Pluto in Capricorn, conjoins the Moon on April 14, May
11, and June 8, 2020. These astrological transits will highlight
emotional impulses you last experienced when fiery Mars conjoined Pluto
in Capricorn on March 22, 2020. The fixity of karmic Saturn in Aquarius
will challenge the fixity of Scorpio to sculpt important compromises on
an intra-personal level. You will find the midpoint between your desire
to be alone and be the ruler of your personal domain of thoughts and
feelings with your need to connect deeply with others in large groups
and communal settings. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 4-5, 2020 will
challenge you to express your inner life to others in a more evolved
way. Your rich inner psychological resources and creativity will guide
you. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 20-21, 2020 will help you unleash
pent-up feelings in a productive way that will bring positive
transformation to your life.
(November 22 - December 21)
Lucky Jupiter, your planetary ruler, conjoins depth-seeking Pluto on
April 5, 2020, opening the way for you to discover a deeper layer of
reality than you have previously explored. You may discover a secret or
learn a hidden piece of information. You also may discover a new way of
approaching your financial situation. There are likely more resources
than you are aware of in one area of your life, while there are fewer
resources than you imagined in another area of your life. It is a time
to see clearly what is on the table-as well as what is under the table.
This is a time for confronting reality in order to balance and
rectify-to bring your life into greater harmony and alignment with your
soul and higher purpose. Try to gather as much information as possible
before making important decisions. Loving Venus in your opposing
sign of Gemini from April 3 to August 7, 2020 will open numerous
opportunities to connect with others in new, creative, and loving ways.
This will be a time to see, explore, and experience the very best
qualities in the people you love. This also will be an opportunity to
experience the most uplifting, spiritual energies in the people close
to you. The retrograde of Venus in Gemini May 12 to June 24, 2020
will give you a chance to re-visit a relationship from the past. You
will have the opportunity to re-discover the most positive aspects of
this past relationship and to express the best parts of yourself. But
ultimately, you will decide to move on to brighter future prospects
after the retrograde of Venus completes on June 24, 2020. A Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on June 5-6, 2020 will give you the upper hand
in a partnership. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 20-21, 2020 will
help you discover a shadow aspect of a long-standing relationship.
(December 22 - January 19)
The Spring season will open the way for you to connect with groups of
people about financial ventures and building new projects. The
consequences of the decisions you make now will last for the next 3
years-so make sure to set firm foundations. Your building plans could
involve building a team or building support for a project. Think about
what steps are needed to move to the next stage of your life-as if you
are building a house brick-by-brick. Then, think about where you would
like to go from there. This is an excellent time for strategic planning
for your life-whether it involves financial, real estate, or
relationship goals. Energetic Mars in Capricorn until March 30, 2020
will help you build momentum to move forward on your important
objectives. Fortunate Jupiter in Capricorn conjoining profound Pluto in
Capricorn on April 5, 2020 will enable you to discover a hidden layer
of information that will help you create a firmer foundation for your
important plans. Plus, karmic Saturn in Capricorn until March 21, 2020
and again from July 1 to December 16, 2020 will help you make necessary
course corrections. Saturn in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020
will enable you to focus on your financial picture and streamline your
expenditures. The more you give to others, the more abundance that will
come to you in unexpected ways! The Moon in Capricorn on April
13-14, May 10-11, and June 6-8, 2020 will strengthen your resolve to
put your positive plans into effect. When Saturn returns to Capricorn
from July 1 to December 16, 2020, you will be able to concretize your
well-thought-out plans. Lucky Jupiter in Capricorn throughout this
year, until December 19, 2020, will further support your journey and
your enterprising plans.
(January 20 - February 18)
Disciplined Saturn in Aquarius from March 21 to July 1, 2020 will
enable you to set your agenda and put your high-minded ideals into
effect. Set your sights on your altruistic goals before implementing
your humanitarian vision. Take time to refine the details of your
cherished ideas. Meet with trusted friends and associates who can
support you and give you constructive suggestions. Mars in Aquarius
from March 30 to May 12, 2020 will help you to effectively express
your new ideas to others and strengthen your effectiveness. The Sun in
Aquarius until February 18, 2020 will also fuel your journey. The
Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn on April 5, 2020 will awaken a
soulful inspiration. Follow your intuitive heart rather than your
logical mind. Combined with the structuring power of Saturn in Aquarius
from March 21 to July 1, 2020, you will be able to make your influence
felt! The Aquarius Moon at the Spring Equinox (March 19, 2020) will
surround you with an amiable, friendly atmosphere. The Aquarius Moon on
April 15-16, 2020 will bring more community-oriented people into your
sphere of influence. And the confluence of the Aquarius Moon with the retrogrades of loving Venus and lucky Jupiter in
retrograde on May 13 and 14, 2020 will bring helpful people from your
past back into your life. June's Aquarius Moon on June 9-10, 2020 will
create a peaceful and harmonious environment around you. A Full Moon
Lunar Eclipse in Gemini on June 5-6, 2020 will heighten your
creativity. A New Moon Solar Eclipse on June 20-21, 2020 will help you
reorganize a long-standing routine.
(February 19 - March 20)
Communicative Mercury in Pisces from March 16 to April 10, 2020 will
help you feel in sync with the environment around you. Your new
solar year began at your birthday under the constellation of Pisces
from February 18 to March 19, 2020. This initiates a powerful time for
you when the vibration of Planet Earth matches your transcendent
nature. The noumenal realms of spirit are
more influential under the Sign of the Fish than under any of the other
signs of the Zodiac. This is also a good time to spend time near water
(lakes, rivers, and oceans) or in water-whether it be a swimming pool, jacuzzi, or your bath tub. The fluidity of water
helps you get in touch with your naturally flowing nature. The
Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn on April 5 will connect you with
a spiritual and altruistic group of people. Stick close to them for a
new and important direction in your life. Energetic Mars in Pisces from
May 12 to June 27, 2020 will give you extra energy to initiate new
projects. This will be a powerful counterbalance to the
retrogrades of: regenerative Pluto on April 25, structured
Saturn on May 10, loving Venus on May 12, and lucky Jupiter on May 13,
2020. This is a time to review the past-and make appropriate course
corrections. Draw on your abundant spiritual nature and intuition to
guide you to the next steps in your life. The Moon in Pisces on March
21-23, April 17-19, May 15-16, and June 11-12, 2020 will provide
positive connections to your intuitive resources and greater support
from the people around you. You will feel more in the flow than ever
with Mars in Pisces from May 12 to June 27, 2020 and spiritual Neptune
in Pisces until 2026. The conjunction of Neptune in Pisces with Mars in
Pisces on June 13, 2020 will strengthen your sense of being in the
right place at the right time, especially when you focus your mind on
manifesting positive outcomes.
- OM -