Summer Solstice 2022
Summer Solstice 2022
The Summer Solstice
arrives on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, and marks the longest day of the year. The
Solstice Sun provides a favorable opportunity to use affirmations, prayer, and
meditation to focus your energies on the positive outcomes you would like to create.
You may make much spiritual, mental, emotional, and material progress at this
time. Your prayers are powerful, so remember to pray for the highest good for
yourself and for our world!
Despite appearances in
the outer world, there still are many opportunities to experience happiness at
this time. After all, your soul is the essence of joy. And if outer
opportunities in the world elude you, this will push you to inner activities
that naturally connect you to your soul - a source of infinite joy.
The growing light of
the summer sun may also intensify your ability to see what has been hidden in
the shadows - both for good or ill. This is a time for self-discovery
and for finding what is in need of healing. The results will be worth the
efforts you are engaging in to self-transform.
Just as intense heat
and pressure turn coal into a diamond, you also may be feeling under
intense pressure to change. But the possibility of becoming a diamond
that reflects the light holds great potential for a brighter future for us
We are in a time when
it may often be easier to let go of what has not been working in the
past than it is to hold onto what might work in the future. This is a necessary
part of the process of the restructuring of our reality that is planetarily destined to occur at this start
of a new millennium. All that we are experiencing is
part of clearing the way for a more evolved, advanced new
future. Your only job is to remain calm, peaceful, and patient, and
wait for the new to reveal itself.
On a mundane level, you
will see financial markets continue to spiral downward throughout the
summer season, with somewhat of a recovery in the fall, another dip later in
the year, with a more promising recovery in the spring of 2023, followed by a
long plateau after that. Until then, there will be many ups and downs in
financial, real estate, and other business and
commercial markets. Governmental policies across the globe will continue
to be erratic.
As with everything, we are growing through the changes. It is important to stay
centered in your own spiritual practices and in yourself as we watch the
structure of reality changing. Try to stay present and grounded despite
the volatility, and of course, practice authenticity at all times for greatest
spiritual and personal growth.
Like a snake shedding
its skin, you may feel a bit tender in your new skin as the earth evolves
to a higher level of consciousness. But throughout the process, you
will continually learn to harmonize with the new environment we are
Dates * Days of Change
These dates present
opportunities to meditate and pray for the highest outcome for all.
∙ June 21: Summer Solstice - The light of the Sun is energizing consciousness in the Northern
Hemisphere as the Southern Hemisphere is coming out of a period of inner
transformation. Loving Venus moves into communicative Gemini on June 22, 2022,
the day after the Solstice. This astrological alignment will help soothe
jangled nerves and straighten out communications.
∙ July 31-August 1: Mars-North Node of the
Moon-Uranus in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius - This
volatile celestial alignment portends a greater loss of the reality we have
depended upon in the past to make way for a more evolved way of being.
While there may be a period of uncertainty, we will be like the trapeze artist
who must let go of one bar to reach the next - to take
us further along the road to a higher state of being.
∙ September 9 - October 2: Mercury Retrograde in
Libra & Virgo - This Mercury Retrograde will focus on rectifying
misunderstandings in personal and professional relationships.
And as always, remember
to practice positive thinking, visualization, affirmations, meditation, and
pray for the highest outcome for all!
Many blessings for the summer season,
Please Read on for
Your Personal Astrological Predictions for Every Sign:
ARIES (March 21 - April 19)
The month of June features lucky Jupiter and energetic Mars in Aries. This
celestial alignment will bolster your confidence and give you the enthusiasm to
complete projects you have left unfinished since the beginning of the year. An
unexpected financial windfall also is likely this month. It may not be much,
but it will renew your faith in universal abundance. Get ready to enjoy an
outdoor activity when the Moon enters Aries on the Summer Solstice on June 21,
2022. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of the year. Enjoy the
light! Energetic Mars in Aries until Monday, July 4, 2022 will certainly
make your Independence Day celebrations more effervescent! If you're not
watching fireworks outdoors, you may be experiencing inner bursts of
inspiration as the fiery energy of Mars in your own sign of Aries combines with
lucky and expansive aJupiter in Aries. The Moon in
Aries again from Monday, July 18 to Wednesday, July 20, will present the
perfect opportunity to connect with the people you care about to express your
creativity. You will feel a jolt of positive energy when Mars, your
planetary ruler, mo, ves
into Gemini along with the Moon in Gemini, on August 20, 2022. This will be a
time to connect with a sibling or neighbor for a positive exchange. The Sun in
the compatible fire sign of Leo from July 22 to August 22 2022, also will fuel
your enthusiasm for life's journey. The summer season will be a good time for a
short trip or for writing, or gently but effectively speaking your truth. The
Moon in Aries from Sunday, August 14 to Tuesday, August 16, 2022 and again from
Sunday, September 11 to Monday, September 12, 2022, will help you set new
TAURUS (April 20 - May
Loving Venus, your planetary ruler, travels through the sign of Taurus from May
28 to June 23, 2022. This celestial passage will heighten your personal
magnetism and enable you to more easily attract what you need. Use this time to
move to a higher level in an activity that is important to you. The Moon in
Taurus from June 23 to 25, 2022, will strengthen your voice as you articulate
your thoughts and desires. You will feel in a powerful position as the summer
season begins! Energetic Mars moves into your home sign of Taurus from
Monday, July 4 to Saturday, August 20, 2022. This celestial movement initiates
a period of heightened creativity and activity for you. Along with innovative
Uranus in Taurus this summer, you will feel gratified when you try something
new-and take an alternative or creative approach. You often are satisfied
repeating familiar patterns, but this is a good time to experiment with variations on your usual methods. Many concepts
that you experiment with this month will become part of your permanent mode of
being. This is a good season for a calculated risk. But, do expect sudden
changes to previously established plans in late July to earlyAugust
as innovative Uranus conjoins energetic Mars in Taurus along with the North
Node of the Moon. This unusual astrological alignment portends unexpected
events that will prove to be necessary for your growth when you look back upon
them. Use the energy of the Taurus Moon on Wednesday, August 17 and Thursday,
August 18 2022, to stabilize any circumstances that may have become chaotic.
You will begin to re-establish order in your life as the Sun moves into the
compatible earth sign of Virgo from August 22 to September 22, 2022, and under
the Taurus Moon from Tuesday, September 13 to Thursday, September 15, 2022.
GEMINI (May 21 - June
Communicative Mercury, your planetary ruler, in Gemini from June 13 to July 5,
2022, will fortify your ability to communicate about issues that are important
to you. It also is a good time to study a subject that will bolster your
effectiveness in your personal and professional worlds. Your efforts will be
supported by disciplined Saturn in the compatible air sign of Aquarius
throughout this year. The Moon in Gemini from Saturday, June 25 to Monday, June
27, 2022 will put a spring in your step, giving you the optimism to try
something you may have shied away from before. Variety is the spice of
life! Loving Venus in Gemini from Wednesday, June 22 to Monday, July 4
will open your heart and give you the opportunity to connect with loved ones on
a soulful level. This is a time to express to others all of the
generosity and kindness in your heart. The Moon in Gemini from the morning of
Saturday, July 23 to early in the day on Monday, July 25 will enable you to
experience warm connections with friends and family. Lucky Jupiter in Aries
throughout the summer season will fortify your social skills and support your
social interactions. You then will feel at the top of your game when
energetic Mars enters Gemini on August 20,2022, accompanied
by the Moon in Gemini on the same day. This will be a day to make your
influence felt. You may also feel especially chatty on this day. So, make sure
you have permission to share the information you share and that it will benefit
all involved. Idle gossip will not bring positive results at this time and may
even ricochet back to hurt you in unexpected ways in the future. Communicative
Mercury, your planetary ruler, in the precise sign of Virgo, from August 3 to
25, 2022, will best support you when you study the details before making major
decisions. Mars will remain in Gemini and continue to energize you until March
25, 2023. This is an exceptionally long passage of Mars in Gemini due to the
retrograde of Mars in Gemini from late October 2022 to January 2023.
CANCER (June 22 -
July 22)
You will feel as if you are beginning with a clean slate at the time of the New
Moon in Cancer on June 29, 2022. Until then, try to tie up loose ends and
complete unfinished business that has accumulated since your last birthday
about a year ago. The unfinished business could have to do with unresolved
relationships or incomplete work projects. This is the time to bring nebulous
situations to a clear conclusion. Sometimes this means letting go of something
that appears unresolvable so you may move unencumbered into the future. The
Cancer Moon from Tuesday, June 28 to Thursday, June 30, 2022,,
will help you feel at home in your current circumstances. Make sure your home
is a peaceful sanctuary for you! You then will have an opportunity to
express your pent-up feelings in a clear and direct way while Mercury, planet
of communications, is in Cancer from Monday, July 4 to Tuesday, July 19, 2022.
You are often concerned with the welfare of others. So, you hold back your own feelings.
July is a month when authenticity pays you rich rewards. Loving Venus in Cancer
from Sunday, July 17 to Thursday, August 11, 2022 will open your loving heart
and enable your communications to flow smoothly. The Moon in Cancer from
Monday, July 25 to Wednesday, July 27, 2022, will help you attain a cherished
desire. Do the necessary groundwork to prepare for your ideas to come to
fruition. The Cancer Moon on Monday, August 22 and Tuesday, August 23, and
on Sunday, September 18 to Tuesday, September 20, 2022, coincides with the
movement of the Sun into the industrious sign of Virgo. This is an excellent
time to focus your energies upon accomplishing the tasks that will make you
feel more comfortable in your home. Loving Venus in Cancer until August 11,
2022 will also smooth your journey into late summer. The most powerful day of
the month comes when forceful Mars joins the Moon in Gemini on August 20, 2022.
You will go far when you balance feeling with logic under this astrological
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
Energetic Mars and lucky Jupiter in the compatible fire sign of Aries will
support you to travel to a new place or to explore a new topic during the
summer season. The Leo Moon, from Tuesday, June 30 to Sunday, July 3,
2022, will help you get the summer off to a good start. The balmy
days of summer will be just what the doctor ordered to soothe your
soul. You will especially radiate your generous and magnanimous nature
under the influence of communicative Mercury in Leo from Tuesday, July 19 to
Thursday, August 4, 2022. Radiate your abundant internal light
under the summer solstice sun and don't forget to let others shine
too. People will shower you with attention and affection when you give
generously from your heart. The Moon in Leo from Thursday, July 28 to
Friday, July 29, 2022 will help you enjoy the simple pleasures of life.
Innovative Uranus in Taurus could disrupt a previous plan, but all will work
out for the best in the end. The Sun enters Leo on Friday, July 22, which will
boost your energy and your spirits. Happy upcoming birthday! The month of
August will bring you increased notoriety, compliments, and positive attention
as loving Venus traverses the sign of Leo from August 11 to September 4, 2022.
The Moon in Leo from Wednesday, August 24 to Friday, August 26, 2022, and again
from Tuesday, September 20 to Thursday, September 22, 2022, will add to the
positive outcomes in your life. Saturn in your opposing sign of Aquarius
throughout the summer will help you make practical decisions.
VIRGO (August 23 -
September 22)
Communicative Mercury, your planetary ruler, emerges from retrograde motion on
June 3, 2022, giving you the opportunity to make much progress on an important
work project throughout the summer season. Outstanding obligations will come to
a successful conclusion this summer! The Moon in Virgo from Sunday, July 3
to Tuesday, July 5, 2022, and from Saturday, July 30 to Monday, August 1, 2022
will further assist you to manifest a cherished idea. You will gain further
support from loving Venus in the compatible earth sign of Taurus until June 23,
2022. Use this time to make concrete plans for future success. Energetic
Mars in the compatible earth sign of Taurus from July 4 to August 20, 2022,
along with innovative Uranus in Taurus this year, will bolster your energy and
help you to make needed changes. This may involve letting go of something that
was important to you, but you may discover something better is waiting for you
on the other side. You will feel in sync with people and activities around you
under the influence of the Sun in Virgo from August 22 to
September 22, 2022. The New Moon, when both the Sun and Moon
are in Virgo arrives on Saturday, August 27, 2022. The VIrgo
New Moon will initiate a new chapter in your life. Think carefully about what
you would like to accomplish in your new birthday year! Communicative Mercury,
your planetary ruler, travels through Virgo from August 3 to 25, 2022. This is
the month to make new plans and put them into
action. Mars in the Mercury-ruled sign of Gemini from August 20 to March
25, 2023 will help you initiate the next steps of your journey.
LIBRA (September 23 -
October 23)
Energetic Mars and lucky Jupiter in your opposing sign of Aries throughout the
summer will bring you good luck in important relationships. But this celestial
alignment will also require that you spend more time with loved ones as well.
Relationships ultimately will run smoothly for you this summer, but not without
a lot of effort on your part. The people around you are likely to require more
attention than usual. Loving Venus, your planetary ruler, will traverse
the communicative sign of Gemini from the Summer Solstice on June 22 until
Sunday, July 17, 2022. This celestial energy will help you articulate any
controversial ideas in a diplomatic way that will be accepted by others. Venus
will be in the family-oriented sign of Cancer from July 17 to August 11, 2022.
This planetary placement will enable you to harmonize with children and other
family members. Keep the goal of unity in mind with all groups you interact
with. Your most peaceful days will be when the Moon traverses the sign of
Libra from Tuesday, July 5 to Thursday, July 7, 2022, as well
as Monday, August 1 to Wednesday, August 3, 2022, and Monday, August 29 to
Wednesday, August 31, 2022. The Moon in Libra strengthens everyone's sense
of justice, bringing positive results and understanding. Mercury will also be
in Libra from August 25 to September 23, 2022, and again from October 10 to 29.
2022, making this a good time to initiate a negotiation or business deal.
The outcome is most likely to be fair under the Libra influence. Saturn in
the compatible air sign of Aquarius this year will be a stabilizing influence.
When you are headed in the right direction, you will feel everything
fall into place.
SCORPIO (October 24
- November 21)
Loving Venus in your opposing sign of Taurus until June 23, 2022 will intensify
the impact of your important relationships upon you. Loving Venus will
soothe your loving heart and remind you of the people and principles that
you most cherish. Your sense of loyalty will overcome any turbulence that
arises from differences of opinion. Energetic Mars in your opposite sign
of Taurus from Monday, July 4 to Saturday, August 20, 2022, will help you meet
another individual halfway. If you reach any impasse, assume that the problem
is a stubborn attitude in one or both parties. Make sure to look
at situations from all angles so you may consider all possibilities. Look
at the rigid places in yourself and the other, and see where flexibility antssd compromise are possible. Yielding to others will
produce positive results. Your most powerful days are when the Moon moves
through Scorpio on Friday, July 8, Saturday, July 9, Thursday, August 4
to Saturday, August 6, and again from Wednesday, August 31 to Friday,
September 2, 2022. The Scorpio Moon will strengthen your willpower
and focus, as well as intensify your feelings of loyalty and
commitment to the people and causes you most care about. The Sun in Leo from
July 22 to August 22, 2022 will activate your desire to make your point to
those who don't understand you. The Sun in Virgo from August 22 to September
22, 2022 will help you focus on the details, which will make all the difference
in the outcome of the projects you undertake and the relationships you
participate in.
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 -
December 21)
June is your month to express your creativity while lucky Jupiter, your
planetary ruler, and energetic Mars, both traverse the compatible fire sign of
Aries. Your best days for creative expression are under the Sagittarius Moon
from Sunday, July 10 to Monday, July 11, from Saturday, August 6 to
Monday, August 8, and from Friday, September 2 to Sunday, September 4, 2022. The
Sagittarius Moon will strengthen your optimism, your sense of joy,
and your desire to find and speak the truth. Communicative Mercury
has helped you move forward on important projects since it began its
direct motion on June 3, 2022. The second half of June is best to focus on
relationships. Loving Venus in your opposing sign of Gemini from the
Summer Solstice on June 22, until Sunday, July 17, 2022 will bring
interesting and inspiring people into your social circle. Your planetary ruler,
lucky Jupiter, in the compatible fire sign of Aries, will highlight your
creativity. Bring social activities and creativity together for the greatest
sense of alignment in the summer season. Communicative Mercury in the
compatible fire sign of Leo from Tuesday, July 19 to Thursday, August 4, 2022,
will help you discover new information that may translate into an eye-opening
travel experience. Try not to step on any toes in your quest for life's
verities and in your desire to express what you know to be true. Energetic Mars
in Gemini from August 20, 2022 to March 25, 2023 could attract aggression
from others from time to time during this period. Seek the truth, but think
strategically about when to remain silent and when to speak up.
CAPRICORN (December 22 -
January 19)
The Summer Solstice marks the half-way point in your birthday year, which is a
good time to look back over the last 6 months to see if you are heading in the
direction you would like to go. The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13,
2022 also is an important fulcrum from which you can look back and look
forward to see where you may bring greater balance into your life. Your
half-birthday gives you a chance to make course corrections that will
positively influence the second half of your year. Saturn, your
planetary ruler, in Aquarius this year, makes group activities an important
area of engagement for you. While Saturn is retrograde during the summer
season, you will have the opportunity to catch up on unresolved issues from the
past so that you will be ready to move most clearly into your future when
Saturn turns direct on October 22, 2022. You also have the opportunity to
make great positive strides while the Moon is in Capricorn on Tuesday, July 12
and Wednesday, July 13, from Monday, August 8 to Wednesday, August 10,, and from Monday, September 8 to Wednesday, September
10, 2022. You also will have an opportunity to formulate an important
business deal under the Capricorn Moon in September while the Sun is in the
compatible earth sign of Virgo. Make sure to check the details as the Sun
travels through the precise earth sign of Virgo from August 22 to September 22,
2022. Also make sure your motives are in line with the highest aspirations of
your soul for the greatest success.
AQUARIUS (January 20 -
February 18)
Saturn in Aquarius this summer will help you solidify your foundation so
you can make great progress during the next year. The Sun in the compatible air
sign of Gemini until June 21, 2022 will also support you to clarify your
thoughts so you may easily strategize about your future direction. The Summer
Solstice on June 21, 2022 will enable you to more fully refine your daily
routines and regimens to enhance your daily efficiency. You will see a
situation from an alternative point of view in late July when mentally-awakening
Mercury moves into your opposing sign of Leo from Tuesday, July 19 to
Thursday, August 4, 2022, and when the Sun is in Leo from July 22 to August 22,
2022. This is your time to interact with others who will positively influence
the next chapter of your life. They will bring greater balance and openness to
your perceptions. The Moon in Aquarius from Thursday, July 14 to Friday, July
15, 2022, will help you connect with others who share your non-judgmental,
egalitarian views. Under the influence of the Aquarius Moon from
Wednesday, August 10 to Friday, August 12, 2022, you will enjoy fruitful
connections with new and interesting people. August is the month to
exercise your social skills-especially when you are in the mood. The Full
Moon on August 11, 2022 will be quite a busy time for you. This is an
excellent time to meet like-minded individuals with whom you can give and
receive mutual support.
PISCES (February 19
- March 20)
The Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, arrives on June 21, 2022.
This is a good day to get your house in order so you may begin the new season
with a clean slate. The Moon in Pisces from Saturday, June 18 to Monday, June
20, 2022 will help you get the summer season off to a good start. Lucky Jupiter
and energetic Mars in Aries during the summer season also will help you enhance
your financial position. It's a good time to review budgets and trim excess
expenses. You will have an opportunity to express an idea you feel
strongly about under the influence of energetic Mars in Taurus from July 4
to August 20, 2022. If you find yourself suddenly changing your mind as Mars
conjoins innovative Uranus toward the end of July, consider where you may have
overlooked a piece of information in the past. Try to include this new awareness
into your way of thinking. The Moon in Pisces from Saturday, July 16 to Sunday,
July 17, 2022, will sharpen your intuition so you may discern the truth
via instinctive feelings rather than cold, hard facts. A combination of
intuition, instinct, and cool logic will serve you the best. The Pisces
Moon from Friday, August 12 to Sunday, August 14, 2022, will conjoin with the
spiritual planet of Neptune, and open the way for you to experience your
transcendent nature. This is a good time to pray and meditate to feel a closer
connection to your soul. Mentally-versatile Mercury, in your opposing sign of
Virgo from August 3 to 25, 2022, will expose you to a new idea you had not
previously considered. The Sun in your opposing sign of Virgo from August 22 to
September 22, 2022, will bring new people into your life. You may not
immediately perceive all of the facets of this new individual, but with
patience and intuition, you will find qualities to love. The Full Moon in
Pisces on Saturday, September 10, 2022 will help you crystallize a series of
nebulous ideas into a practical, concrete plan. Don't forget to examine all
details before making a final decision.